Bangladesh has been an active Member State of ILO since 22 June 1972 and has ratified 36 ILO Conventions and one Protocol, including eight of the ten fundamental Conventions, and two of the four governance Conventions. The ILO supports the Government of Bangladesh, and its social partners (workers' and employers' organisations) advance the decent work agenda through the ILO Decent Work Country Programme (DWCP).

Latest news and stories

Bangladesh garment sector injury scheme to include commuting accidents
Members of the Bangladesh employment injury scheme Governing Board at their 8th meeting held in May 2024

Social security

Bangladesh garment sector injury scheme to include commuting accidents

International labour standards a vital toolbox for Bangladesh’s sustainable development prospects
Gwyn Lewis, the UN Resident Coordinator in Bangladesh

LDC graduation

International labour standards a vital toolbox for Bangladesh’s sustainable development prospects


Integrated approaches for formalization in Asia and the Pacific

Integrated approaches for formalization in Asia and the Pacific

Skills demand and supply assessment in the Chattogram-Cox's Bazar region, Bangladesh

Skills demand and supply assessment in the Chattogram-Cox's Bazar region, Bangladesh

This is a photograph of workers from a readymade garment factory leaving work at the end of the day.
Labour statistics

Labour statistics

The latest data on the Bangladesh labour market from the ILOSTAT database

Projects and programmes

Promoting Gender Responsive Enterprise Development and TVET Systems (ProGRESS)

Employability of women workers

Promoting Gender Responsive Enterprise Development and TVET Systems (ProGRESS)

Building Youth Capacity and Network in Asia Pacific

Enterprise development

Building Youth Capacity and Network in Asia Pacific

This is a photograph of a Bangladeshi woman in a ready-made garment factory in Bangladesh
Development cooperation dashboard

Development cooperation dashboard

The dashboard shows ILO Bangladesh's funding sources and programme areas.

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ILO Country Office for Bangladesh

PPD Secretariat Office Complex

Agargaon, Sher-e-Bangla Nagar

Dhaka 1207, Bangladesh


ISEC project design workshop on the SBCC Campaign

Skills and enterprise

ISEC project design workshop on the SBCC Campaign

Asia and the Pacific
Placeholder image

Asia and the Pacific

Mother and daughter sitting together in their home


School children at the brick kiln in Islamabad.


A worker in a Malaysian latex glove factory
