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ISEC project design workshop on the SBCC Campaign
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Skills and enterprise

ISEC project design workshop on the SBCC Campaign

ISEC project's comprehensive campaign for gender equality to mark International Women’s Day 2024
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Skills and enterprise

ISEC project's comprehensive campaign for gender equality to mark International Women’s Day 2024

Empowering youth of Cox's Bazar with market-driven skills and recognition
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Skills and enterprise

Empowering youth of Cox's Bazar with market-driven skills and recognition

BRAC’s Ultra-Poor Graduation Intervention for ISEC project
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Skills and enterprise

BRAC’s Ultra-Poor Graduation Intervention for ISEC project

ISEC project started informal apprenticeship-based training in Cox’s Bazar
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Skills and enterprise

ISEC project started informal apprenticeship-based training in Cox’s Bazar

Workshop for Committee Formation for Industry Skills Council of Tourism and Hospitality Sector in Cox's Bazar
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Skills and enterprise

Workshop for Committee Formation for Industry Skills Council of Tourism and Hospitality Sector in Cox's Bazar

Capacity Building Workshop for the Principals and Trainers of TVET Institutions in Cox’s Bazar
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Skills and enterprise

Capacity Building Workshop for the Principals and Trainers of TVET Institutions in Cox’s Bazar

ILO in partnership with UNDP, FAO and BRAC, together with the Department of Youth Development, and the Ministry of Youth and Sports has launched the skills and livelihoods programme with the financial support of Global Affairs Canada and the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

ISEC Partners Unite Against Gender-Based Violence
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Skills and enterprise

ISEC Partners Unite Against Gender-Based Violence

Agrofood Sector Value Chain Assessment Studies Validation Workshop
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Skills and enterprise

Agrofood Sector Value Chain Assessment Studies Validation Workshop

Orientation of ISEC Project Lays Foundation for Skills and Livelihoods Breakthrough for Cox’s Bazar
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Skills and enterprise

Orientation of ISEC Project Lays Foundation for Skills and Livelihoods Breakthrough for Cox’s Bazar

Beyond Gender, Towards Sustainability
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Skills and enterprise

Beyond Gender, Towards Sustainability

ToT on the Skills for Trade and Economic Diversification (STED) Foresight Facilitation Workshop
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Skills and enterprise

ToT on the Skills for Trade and Economic Diversification (STED) Foresight Facilitation Workshop

ILO and the Government of Bangladesh launch skills and enterprise development project for the women and youth of Cox's Bazar
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Skills and enterprise

ILO and the Government of Bangladesh launch skills and enterprise development project for the women and youth of Cox's Bazar

Forging Inclusive Synergy: Harmonizing the Skills Development System for Refugee Communities in Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh
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Skills and enterprise

Forging Inclusive Synergy: Harmonizing the Skills Development System for Refugee Communities in Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh

Leaving No One Behind: Mainstreaming Livelihoods of Qawmi Madrasha Students
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Skills and enterprise

Leaving No One Behind: Mainstreaming Livelihoods of Qawmi Madrasha Students

Consultative Meeting with NCCWE and Workers Organization for ILO’s Cox's Bazar Project
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Skills and enterprise

Consultative Meeting with NCCWE and Workers Organization for ILO’s Cox's Bazar Project

Generating Employment in the Tourism Sector in Cox’s Bazar through Destination Promotion and Entrepreneurship Development
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Skills and enterprise

Generating Employment in the Tourism Sector in Cox’s Bazar through Destination Promotion and Entrepreneurship Development

Orientation Workshop on Strategic Involvement of DYD-CXB Officials with the ISEC project in Cox’s Bazar
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Skills and enterprise

Orientation Workshop on Strategic Involvement of DYD-CXB Officials with the ISEC project in Cox’s Bazar

National campaign organized to promote safety at work in Bangladesh
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National campaign organized to promote safety at work in Bangladesh

The campaign launched in April 2023 aims to raise awareness on Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) issues and their prevention in the ready-made garment sector and other industries in Bangladesh.

The Rana Plaza collapse: Ten years on
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World of work show

The Rana Plaza collapse: Ten years on

Did you miss the ILO World of Work Show? Catch up on the latest episode that focused on what has changed for the Bangladesh garment industry since the Rana Plaza building collapse. Ahead of World Day for Safety and Health at Work, the Show also explored what a safe and healthy working environment means for workers around the world.