Young woman speaking at podium
© Barbados Chamber of Commerce

Barbados has been a member of the ILO since 08 May 1967 and has actively championed workers rights. This is reflected in their ratification of 41 ILO conventions, covering areas like Violence and Harassment, ensuring freedom of association, and promoting equal pay.  They've also established a strong social partnership – a collaborative system where the Government, private sector, and unions work together to address economic and labour issues

Latest news and stories

Barbados re-establishes National Child Labour Committee
Young children in school

Barbados re-establishes National Child Labour Committee

ILO Caribbean Director addresses labour market transformation during regional UN meeting
Participants at the UN Annual Coordination Meeting for the Caribbean Region

ILO Caribbean Director addresses labour market transformation during regional UN meeting

Labour statistics information dashboard with overlay of workers
Labour statistics

Labour statistics

Barbados labour market statistics for the last year from ILOSTAT Database

Group with hands together symbolizing collaboration, teamwork, partnership and goals
Development Cooperation Dashboard

Development Cooperation Dashboard

The Dashboard offers customizable views of ILO development cooperation projects funded by voluntary contributions around the world. It shows the budget and expenditure of voluntary contributions for the past 10 years.

Projects and programmes

Wildey Green Business Support Pilot Programme

ILO and PAGE Project

Wildey Green Business Support Pilot Programme

Employability Project (Barbados)

Employability Project (Barbados)


Social protection expenditure review, Barbados

Social protection expenditure review, Barbados

ILO Caribbean NewsLink September 2022

ILO Caribbean NewsLink September 2022

Man using a touch virtual screen to search digital resources
All resources

All resources

Browse and filter all resources from or about Barbados on the ILO website

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