Women in Business and Management

1 October 2017

Globally, women have become engines for economic growth. Achieving gender diversity in enterprises is of critical importance to improving business outcomes. However, women remain under represented in business, particularly at senior management levels. Women rarely attain executive management positions or serve as members of company boards. Yet, women have increasingly overtaken men in terms of tertiary education attainment. While much progress has been made, women remain underutilized despite representing a dynamic and capable pool of talent. 

The Bureau for Employers’ Activities embarked on a global project to collect detailed, authoritative data and to provide a more granular perspective of women in business and management by taking into account the perspectives of small- and medium-sized enterprises. ACT/EMP has successfully leveraged the knowledge and insights of Employer and Business Membership Organizations (EBMOs) and companies to develop global, regional and national reports. Furthermore, ACT/EMP has gathered good practices and examples to promote better approaches to enhancing gender diversity in companies and EBMOs around the world.

Global publications

Women in Business: How employer and business membership organizations drive gender equality
Publication cover - Women in business

Women in business and management

Women in Business: How employer and business membership organizations drive gender equality

Pay transparency legislation: Implications for employers' and workers' organizations
 Cover image - Pay transparency

Equal pay for work of equal value

Pay transparency legislation: Implications for employers' and workers' organizations

Transforming enterprises through diversity and inclusion
 Cover image - Transforming enterprises

Diversity and inclusion

Transforming enterprises through diversity and inclusion

Violence and harassment at work: a practical guide for employers
 Cover image - Voilence and harassment at work

Violence and harassment

Violence and harassment at work: a practical guide for employers

Improving gender diversity in company boards (voluntary targets vs quotas)
 Cover image - Improving gender diversity

Women in business and management

Improving gender diversity in company boards (voluntary targets vs quotas)

Sectorial snapshots
 Cover image - Sectorial snapshots

Women in Business and Management

Sectorial snapshots

Women in Business and Management: The business case for change
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Global report

Women in Business and Management: The business case for change

Women’s Economic Empowerment: Good practices
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Women’s Economic Empowerment: Good practices

A global snapshot: Women leaders and managers in employers’ organizations
 Cover image - A global snapshot

A global snapshot: Women leaders and managers in employers’ organizations

Promoting women in business and management: A handbook for national employers' organizations
 Cover image - Promoting women in business

Promoting women in business and management: A handbook for national employers' organizations

Gender diversity journey: Company good practices
 Cover image - Gender diversity journey

Gender diversity journey: Company good practices

Women in Business and Management: Gaining momentum
 Cover image - Women in business and management - gaining momentum

Global report

Women in Business and Management: Gaining momentum

Regional or country publications

Women in Business in Central America
 Cover image - Women in business in central america

Women in business and management

Women in Business in Central America

Women in business and management: Gaining momentum in the Caribbean
 Cover image - Gaining momentum in caribbean

Women in business and management: Gaining momentum in the Caribbean

Gaining momentum in Eastern Europe and Central Asia
 Cover image - Gaining momentum in eastern europe

Regional report

Gaining momentum in Eastern Europe and Central Asia

WIBM: Gaining momentum in Latin America and the Caribbean - Full report 2017
 Cover image - WIBM gaining momentum in latin

WIBM: Gaining momentum in Latin America and the Caribbean - Full report 2017

Women in Business and Management: gaining momentum in the Middle East and North Africa
 Cover image - Gaining momentum in middle east

Women in Business and Management: gaining momentum in the Middle East and North Africa

Women in business and management: Gaining momentum in Asia and the Pacific
 Cover image - Gaining momentum in asia

Women in business and management

Women in business and management: Gaining momentum in Asia and the Pacific

Related content

American regional conference: Women in business and management
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Regional conference

American regional conference: Women in business and management

Fostering female talent in the workforce: Women in business and management
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Regional conference

Fostering female talent in the workforce: Women in business and management

Reflecting Global Change: Women in Business and Management
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International conference

Reflecting Global Change: Women in Business and Management

Improving the bottom line: Women in business and management.
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Improving the bottom line: Women in business and management.