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Two new modules on the SSE are now available in Korean

In 2023, ITCILO Turin developed two modules for an online open access awareness-raising package on social and solidarity economy (SSE) for the UNTFSSE. With financial support provided to the ILO by the Government of Luxembourg, these modules were made available in English, French, and Spanish.

21 March 2024

Both modules are now available in Portuguese, Russian, Arabic and Korean. Swahili, Turkish, Wolof, and Yoruba language versions will be made available shortly. In addition, the Sustainable Enterprises and Economies (SEE) Programme and The Workers’ Activities Programme (ACTRAV) of ITCILO Turin developed two additional modules elaborating issues pertaining to decent work and the SSE and the ILC resolution and its follow-up strategy and action plan on decent work and the SSE. These two new modules are now also available in English, French, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Arabic.

The SSE awareness-raising package now consists of four modules looking into strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in the transition to the formal economy through SSE mechanisms, and the importance of workers' voice in a new economy. The course also covers issues such as the importance of an integrated approach to the SSE in relation to the circular economy, Decent Work Agenda, Just Transition, and the SDGs.

The four modules of the course are: