Strengthening formalisation pathways for MSMEs in Gaza through improved access to productivity enhancement services, and stronger MSME organisation and voice in social dialogue

Project details

1 May 2023 - 30 April 2025


Rashid Al Ruzzi, National Project Officer,;

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In line with the policy priorities and objectives identified in the National Employment Strategy 2021-2025, and in support of MSMEs reeling from the impact of Covid-19 and precarious socio-economic conditions in Gaza, this project aims to address informality through facilitating the transition to the formal economy for start-ups and MSMEs in the (i) professional services sub-sector, particularly those operating in platform and e-freelancing economy; and (ii) food processing sub-sector (including home-based businesses), both of which are predominantly managed by young, female workers. 


The intervention aims to address informality by facilitating the transition to the formal economy for start-ups and MSMEs in the professional services sub-sector, particularly those operating in the platform and e-freelancing economy, and the food processing sub-sector, including home-based businesses, both predominantly managed by young, female workers. This will be achieved through two complementary and closely interlinked areas of activity:

  • Fostering dialogue and strengthening employers’ associations, MSMEs and their workers in the targeted sectors. 
  • Supporting productivity enhancement within MSMEs in the targeted sectors.


  • Result 1: MSMEs in the two sectors in Gaza have access to more responsive and better institutionalized business development services and productivity-enhancement programmes to facilitate their transition to formalisation.
  • Result 2: Informal enterprises have greater voice in social dialogue through strengthened association
Occupied Palestinian Territory
a woman shaking hands with a man

Occupied Palestinian Territory