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Skills for Trade and Economic Diversification (STED)

Project details
Skills for Trade and Economic Diversification (STED) is a programme that provides sector level technical assistance on identifying the skills development strategies required for future success in international trade. It is designed to support growth and decent employment creation in sectors that have the potential to increase exports and to contribute to economic.

Key resources

Rapid STED: A practical guide

Rapid STED: A practical guide

STED Practical Guide

STED Practical Guide

STED Brochure

New updated version

STED Brochure

STED RBM and M&E Manual

STED RBM and M&E Manual

Featured video


AfTIAS – Aid for Trade Initiative for the Arab States

AfTIAS – Aid for Trade Initiative for the Arab States

Sida - Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency

Sida - Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency

KOICA - Korea International Cooperation Agency

KOICA - Korea International Cooperation Agency

Government of Norway

Government of Norway

Government of the United Kingdom

Government of the United Kingdom