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Garment workers

Responsible Business Conduct and Human Rights Due Diligence: Good Practices of Japanese Companies

This case studies report summarizes good practices on human rights due diligence by Japanese enterprises engaged in manufacturing, including textiles/apparel, electronics and electronic parts, and have operations or business partners in Bangladesh, Cambodia and Viet Nam. Under the project "Building Responsible Value Chains in Asia" funded by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), ILO Office for Japan and the Research & Analysis Department of the Japan External Trade Organisation (JETRO) conducted joint research on trade relations between Japan and Bangladesh, Cambodia and Vietnam, policies related to the promotion of RBC, as well as enterprise-level good practices on RBC and human rights due diligence. This case studies report was developed based on the excerpt from the “Responsible Business Conduct and Human Rights Due Diligence: Good Practices of Japanese Companies Operating in Bangladesh, Cambodia and Viet Nam, Trade, Investment and Labour Nexus and A Way Forward”, which will be published separately.

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Publication details

14 March 2024

PDF 3.83 MB