Night photography and city lights in Harare, Zimbabwe

Terms of reference

Request for quotation for the development of the Zimbabwe National Employment Policy Framework (ZiNEPF) 2024

Night photography and city lights in Harare, Zimbabwe, 2019 © Tatenda Mapigoti
Resource details
Cover of the RFQ-NEP Development for Zimbabwe request

8 May 2024

The ILO invites interested consultants to submit technical and financial proposals for development of Zimbabwe National Employment Policy Framework (ZiNEPF) 2024.

The submission should include a technical and financial proposal with a detailed breakdown of consultancy fees and related expenses. The proposal submissions should reach the ILO no later than 22 May 2024, Harare, Zimbabwe Time.

To enable you to prepare and submit your quotation, you will also find above the following files:

  • Annex I - Terms of Reference
  • Annex II - Certification to be submitted by a Bidder
  • Annex III - Offer submission form and Appendix A
  • Annex IV - Signed request form for quotations

Bidders requiring any clarification on technical, commercial or legal aspects of the RFQ documents may submit their queries to by 16 May 2024.

The request for quotations (financial and technical proposals) should be sent to the emails below: