A Bangladeshi man in protective gear shows thumbs up sign


Reflections on Bangladesh's progress on safety and health at work

The World Day for Safety and Health at Work is an opportunity to reflect on the progress made since Bangladesh began commemoration of the day in 2016.

28 April 2024

A Bangladeshi man in protective gear at his workplace shows the thumbs up sign © ILO Bangladesh

The World Day for Safety and Health at Work is an opportunity to reflect on the progress made since Bangladesh began commemoration of the day in 2016. 

The International Labour Organization (ILO) supports Bangladesh in its journey to address occupational safety and health (OSH), and in establishing a robust national OSH framework to make all workplaces safe. The adoption of the OSH policy, the creation of the OSH country profile, and the development of the National Action Plan on OSH all mark significant milestones in this journey. These achievements are testament to the country's commitment to improving workplace safety and health, aligning with international standards and ILO conventions.

Despite these notable advancements, we recognize the challenges that remain. Building a proactive culture of prevention of workplace hazards and accidents requires continuous effort, collaboration, and collective action. In addition to having protective policies, it is also important to have effective policy implementation, ensuring that every worker in Bangladesh is guaranteed of a safe and healthy work environment. This calls for concerted efforts from the government, employers, workers, along with the support of development partners and civil society.

To further strengthen the effective implementation of occupational safety and health measures in Bangladesh, the country may consider ratifying the ILO Conventions on OSH; the Occupational Safety and Health Convention, 1981 (No. 155) and the Promotional Framework for Occupational Safety and Health Convention, 2006 (No. 187). These conventions provide a robust framework for establishing, implementing, and continually improving the Bangladesh safety and health management systems that are crucial for protecting workers. 

As we commemorate this day, let us reaffirm our commitment to advancing workplace safety and health across all sectors. The ILO remains committed to supporting Bangladesh in its endeavours to improve safety and health at work. The ILO is thankful to development partners for their continued commitment and partnership in advancing safety and health in the world of work. Through our collective efforts, we can achieve a safer, healthier, and more productive workforce, contributing to the sustainable development and economic growth of Bangladesh.

Let us continue to work hand in hand to strengthen the implementation of the OSH National Action Plan and foster a lasting culture of safety and health at work. Together, we can make a significant difference in the lives of millions of workers in Bangladesh.

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