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#RatifyC88 #RatifyC181

Promoting the ratification of the Employment Services Convention No. 88

The global COVID-19 pandemic and the ensuing jobs crisis have highlighted the critical role of public employment services and, by extension, the ILO's Convention that supports them.

Wider ratification of the ILO's Employment Service Convention, 1948 (No. 88)—which calls on governments to maintain a free nationwide public employment service—can help repair the social and economic damages caused by the crisis by promoting a human-cantered recovery based on decent work principles.

The ILO urges member States that have not yet done so to consider ratifying and implementing Convention No. 88, an instrument that remains highly relevant in a changing world of work.

Ratification of C88 helps improve the functioning of labour markets, notably by promoting the participation of groups who face challenges linked to gender, age, disability, race, ethnicity and migration status, among other factors.

How to ratify ILO Conventions No. 88 on Employment Services and No. 181 on Private Employment Agencies
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Step by step guide

How to ratify ILO Conventions No. 88 on Employment Services and No. 181 on Private Employment Agencies

Promoting the ratification of the Private Employment Agencies Convention No. 181
Convention No. 181 Brochure Cover

#RatifyC88 #RatifyC181

Promoting the ratification of the Private Employment Agencies Convention No. 181

Factsheet: Ratification of ILO Employment Services Conventions
Convention No. 88 and No. 181 Factsheet Cover

#RatifyC88 #RatifyC181

Factsheet: Ratification of ILO Employment Services Conventions