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Private Sector Engagement

In addition to working with Employer and Business Membership Organizations, ACT/EMP is the entry point for individual companies seeking to engage with the ILO since enterprises are part of the employer constituents.  In that capacity, when enterprises (as represented by owners or management) approach the ILO, ACT/EMP is responsible for conducting a needs assessment, advising the company on possible options and directing them to the relevant ILO department.  ACT/EMP is also responsible for the ongoing relationship management with the enterprises to ensure that engagement with the ILO meets their expectations.

Key resources

Child Labour Platform

Child Labour Platform

ILO Global Business and Disability Network

ILO Global Business and Disability Network

Global Apprecenticeship Network

Global Apprecenticeship Network

Global Business Network on Forced Labour and Human Trafficking

Global Business Network on Forced Labour and Human Trafficking

ILO Global Business Network on Social Protection Floors

ILO Global Business Network on Social Protection Floors

Further information

Strategy for wider ILO engagement with the private sector

Strategy for wider ILO engagement with the private sector