Samoa youth in a workshop

Pacific island countries


The ILO opened its office in the Fiji Islands in 1975. The primary objective of the ILO Office for Pacific Island Countries is to assist governments, employers' and workers' organizations of the Pacific Island countries in their efforts to reduce decent work deficits and to pursue development for dignity through the achievements of rights at work, employment, social protection and social dialogue.

Concluding Statement agreed by the Pacific Tripartite High-Level Dialogue on Decent Work and the 2050 Strategy for the Blue Pacific Continent, Suva, Fiji
Participants in the Pacific Tripartite High-Level Dialogue held in Suva, Fiji

Concluding Statement agreed by the Pacific Tripartite High-Level Dialogue on Decent Work and the 2050 Strategy for the Blue Pacific Continent, Suva, Fiji

Latest news and stories

Empowering Fiji's creative entrepreneurs: A journey to success
Training participants gather for a group photo

News item

Empowering Fiji's creative entrepreneurs: A journey to success

Young Fijians gain vital work experience through Student Employment Exposure Program
Cutting the cake to celebrate the launch of the Student Employment Exposure Program

News item

Young Fijians gain vital work experience through Student Employment Exposure Program


New SCORE partnership to benefit more workers and enterprises in China

New SCORE partnership to benefit more workers and enterprises in China


Integrated approaches for formalization in Asia and the Pacific

Integrated approaches for formalization in Asia and the Pacific

Pacific Employment and Social Monitor, April 2024: Towards resilient labour markets and better jobs

ILO Brief

Pacific Employment and Social Monitor, April 2024: Towards resilient labour markets and better jobs

Projects and programmes

Group with hands together symbolizing collaboration, teamwork, partnership and goals
Development Cooperation Dashboard

Development Cooperation Dashboard

The dashboard offers interactive visualizations of ILO development cooperation projects across the Pacific

Learn more from the ILO Country Office for Pacific Island Countries

ILO Country Office for Pacific Island Countries supports work in 22 Pacific Island countries, 11 of which are ILO Member States. It provides a range of technical services and expertise that support work throughout the Pacific and provide assistance to the ILO’s constituents - governments, workers' and employers’ organizations.

Work with us


ILO Country Office for Pacific Island Countries
FNPF Place, 8th Floor, 343-359 Victoria Parade

Tel: +679 331 3866
Fax: +679 330 0248

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