Latin America and the Caribbean

The ILO in Latin America and the Caribbean supports 34 countries to promote rights at work, foster decent employment opportunities, enhance social protection, and strengthen dialogue on labour-related issues. 

Together with governments, employers' and workers' organizations, we strive for a people-centered future of work based on social justice for all. The constituents of the Americas are committed to making decent work a reality for the people of the region through a series of priorities identified by them.


Prioridades regionales

Latest news and stories

Latin America and the Caribbean develop a regional strategy on labour migration until 2030
Placeholder image

37 ILO member countries

Latin America and the Caribbean develop a regional strategy on labour migration until 2030

In Cameroon, ILO Director-General stresses the importance of cooperation for achieving decent work and extending social protection
Gilbert F. Hougbo shaking hands with the Minister of Labour of Cameroon

In Cameroon, ILO Director-General stresses the importance of cooperation for achieving decent work and extending social protection

Group with hands together symbolizing collaboration, teamwork, partnership and goals
Development Cooperation Dashboard

Development Cooperation Dashboard

The dashboard offers interactive visualisations of ILO development cooperation projects in the Americas.

Projects and programmes

Ideathon for Social Justice

Ideathon for Social Justice

Supply Chains for a Sustainable Future of Work

Decent work in global supply chains

Supply Chains for a Sustainable Future of Work


Impact of social policies adopted in response to the COVID-19 pandemic on informal employment in Argentina

Impact of social policies adopted in response to the COVID-19 pandemic on informal employment in Argentina

ILO-IOM Joint Regional Work Plan 2023-2028 on Migration in the Americas

ILO-IOM Joint Regional Work Plan 2023-2028 on Migration in the Americas


Labour migration in Latin America and the Caribbean: Launch of the Regional Strategy to 2030

Press conference

Labour migration in Latin America and the Caribbean: Launch of the Regional Strategy to 2030

Contacte a la Oficina

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Las Flores 275, San Isidro
Lima, Perú


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