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Press conference

Labour migration in Latin America and the Caribbean: Launch of the Regional Strategy to 2030

Public dissemination event of the Regional Strategy on Labour Migration and Human Mobility 2023-2030 created by 37 countries and territories in Latin America and the Caribbean, in conjunction with the ILO, to respond to the multiple challenges and maximise the enormous opportunities that labour migration brings.

One of the greatest risks for migrant workers is that the principles of fair recruitment are not respected. This makes them vulnerable to the possibility of trafficking and forced labour; in fact, they are three times more likely to be subjected to forced labour than non-migrants.

5.9 million migrant workers

According to the latest official ILO data (2021), in Latin America and the Caribbean.

40% of migrant workers are women

This percentage has increased over the years, showing a feminisation of labour migration.

In terms of remittances, according to the Inter-American Development Bank, Latin American and Caribbean countries received around US$155 billion in 2023, representing a growth of 9.5% over 2022. Thus, for fifteen consecutive years, the receipt of remittances has been increasing.

To respond to the multiple challenges and maximize the enormous opportunities that labour migration brings, 37 countries and territories in the region have created, together with the ILO, their Regional Strategy on Labour Migration and Human Mobility 2023-2030.


  • Photo of Maria Olave
    Maria Olave
    Regional Coordinator of the Lazos Project


  • Photo of Ana Virginia Moreira Gomes
    Ana Virginia Moreira Gomes
    ILO Regional Director for Latin America and the Caribbean
  • Photo of Francesco Carella
    Francesco Carella
    ILO Regional Specialist in Labour Migration

Event details

Time schedule(s):

  • 09:00 Mexico, San Jose
  • 10:00 Lima, Bogota
  • 11:00 Port of Spain
  • 12:00 Buenos Aires, Santiago, Brasilia
  • 17:00 Geneva

Duration: 1 hour

Via Zoom: Registration (required)

Simultaneous interpretation: Spanish - English - Portuguese

Questions to speakers and interviews:

  • During the conference, priority will be given to questions submitted in advance via the registration link or to the following email:
  • To arrange interviews:
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Latin America and the Caribbean develop a regional strategy on labour migration until 2030
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37 ILO member countries

Latin America and the Caribbean develop a regional strategy on labour migration until 2030

ILO Regional Strategy on Labour Migration and Human Mobility in Latin America and the Caribbean 2023-2030
Placeholder image

Executive Summary

ILO Regional Strategy on Labour Migration and Human Mobility in Latin America and the Caribbean 2023-2030