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ILO organizational structure

Under the leadership of the Director-General, the ILO has approximately 3,500 officials who work on its agreed programmes and activities as set out in the Programme and Budget, across 107 countries in five regions: Africa, the Americas, the Arab States, Asia and the Pacific, Europe and Central Asia each with a Regional Director.

ILO’s work is organized around four clusters, each overseen by an Assistant Director-General:

  • Governance, Rights and Dialogue
  • Jobs and Social protection
  • External and Corporate Relations
  • Corporate Services

Research, statistics, publication, and training activities, as well as four Priority Action Programmes are led by the Deputy Director-General:

  • Transition from the informal to the formal economy
  • Just transitions towards environmentally sustainable economies and societies
  • Decent work outcomes in supply chains
  • Decent work in crisis and post-crisis situations

ILO Global Management Team

  • Photo of Gilbert F. Houngbo
    Gilbert F. Houngbo
  • Photo of Celeste Drake
    Celeste Drake
    Deputy Director-General
  • Photo of André Bogui
    André Bogui
    Assistant Director-General - Director of the Director-General's Office (CABINET)
  • Photo of Manuela Tomei
    Manuela Tomei
    Assistant Director-General - Governance, Rights and Dialogue (GRD)
  • Photo of Maria Susanna Seppo
    Maria Susanna Seppo
    Assistant Director-General - Jobs and Social Protection (JSP)
  • Photo of Laura Thompson
    Laura Thompson
    Assistant Director-General - External and Corporate Relations (ECR)
  • Photo of Hao Bin
    Hao Bin
    Assistant Director-General - Corporate Services (CS)
  • Photo of Fanfan Rwanyindo Kayirangwa
    Fanfan Rwanyindo Kayirangwa
    Assistant Director-General and Regional Director for Africa
  • Photo of Ruba Jaradat
    Ruba Jaradat
    Assistant Director-General and Regional Director for Arab States
  • Photo of Chihoko Asada-Miyakawa
    Chihoko Asada-Miyakawa
    Assistant Director-General and Regional Director for Asia and the Pacific
  • Photo of Beate Andrees
    Beate Andrees
    Assistant Director-General and Regional Director for Europe and Central Asia
  • Photo of Ana Virginia Moreira Gomes
    Ana Virginia Moreira Gomes
    Assistant Director-General and Regional Director for Latin Amarica and the Caribbean
  • Photo of Adnan Chughtai
    Adnan Chughtai
    Treasurer and Financial Comptroller (TR/CF)
  • Photo of Christophe Perrin
    Christophe Perrin
    Director of the International Training Centre of the ILO (ITC–ILO)
ILO organizational chart in PDF