group of business development programme trainees in ethiopia

Start and improve your business

ILO extends capacity building support to business development service providers in Ethiopia

A new batch of trainers were trained in ILO’s Start and Improve Your Business (SIYB) programme to improve self-reliance of host and refugee community entrepreneurs.

9 May 2024

Group of SIYB training of trainers activity in Ethiopia © @ILO/Zelalem Alemenew Desta
Business develop training in ethiopia © @ILO/Zelalem Alemnew Desta
Master trainer for ILO's SIYB programme delivering session for participants at SIYB Training of Trainers programme in Ethiopia

Adama, ETHIOPIA (ILO News): A ten-day Training of Trainers (ToT) program on the International Labour Organization's (ILO) flagship Start and Improve Your Business (SIYB) program was held from 22 April to 2 May 2024 in Adama, Ethiopia.

This initiative, supported by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) through the PROSPECTS Partnership, equipped 30 public and private Business Development Service (BDS) providers with the skills to deliver SIYB training to existing and potential entrepreneurs in both refugee and host communities across Ethiopia.

The training was conducted by a candidate for SIYB National trainer and three Master Trainers from the Business Development Service Provider Association (BDSPA) of Ethiopia. They were mentored by two Master Trainer Developers in the facilitation. Successful completion of this training inched the trainers closer to their national and regional certifications and will enable the BDSPA to scale up their enterprise development initiatives. 

Providing the opening remarks for the training, Tamiru Demeke, BDSPA President, addressed participants, highlighting the association's activities and future plan, the benefits of membership, and the ongoing support they receive from the ILO. 

ilo official at training in ethiopia © @ILO/Zelalem Alemnew Desta
Eirmyas Kaase, ILO's National Programme Officer, guiding participants on the enterprise development activities

Underscoring the high demand for SIYB trainers in Ethiopia, Eirmyas Kaase, Sr Programme Officer at ILO pointed, "Following our call for expression of interest, we received nearly 400 applications, creating a fierce competition for a spot. This immense interest speaks volumes about the critical nationwide need for this training."

Eirmyas further emphasized ILO’s commitment to supporting the BDSPA, expressing hope to see the newly certified trainers deliver SIYB programs to refugees and their host communities.

Ashenafi Daba, a candidate Master Trainer of the SIYB Programme and one of the facilitators of this training session, has trained over 250 enterprises since 2018. He credited the ILO PROSPECTS project with providing him with the necessary training and support to become a successful trainer.

"The SIYB Programme has been an invaluable experience," Ashenafi said. "It allows me to empower individuals and contribute to the economic growth of my country."

Ashenafi also highlighted the personal and professional development benefits of the program. "The SIYB programme shaped my personality and how I interact with others. It especially made me think differently about being supportive and the way of teaching others," he said.

trainees sitting in the conference room in ethiopia © @ILO/Zelalem Alemenew Desta
Participants of SIYB training of trainer programme in Ethiopia successfully completed the training and will further educate host and refugee community entrepreneurs

Kidesina Sebsebe, a lecturer at Haramaya University and owner of a business training and media consultancy firm, was one of the participants who completed the ToT programme. She was motivated to participate in the program after learning about it on social media with a referral from her friends.

"The training session was so attractive, intensive and engaging" Kidesina said. "I am going to use the skills I learned here and my 15 years of work experience to change the lives of youth in my community. "

She added, "This experience has equipped me to empower aspiring entrepreneurs, fostering economic opportunities for both refugees and host communities in Ethiopia. I am confident in my ability to deliver this program and eager to share my knowledge and contribute to a more inclusive and prosperous future."

The ILO's Start and Improve Your Business (SIYB) program is a proven method for fostering entrepreneurship and economic growth. This program equips trainers with the skills to guide aspiring business owners through the process of starting and running a successful business. 

In Ethiopia, the ILO PROSPECTS program championing the ILO SIYB program to empower both refugees and host communities, promoting economic inclusion and a more prosperous future for all. Since 2020, 1,400 individuals and enterprises have taken SIYB, GET Ahead Think.Coop and Start.Coop, Making microfinance work and Financial education training through the PROSPECTS program.