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Humanitarian Development Nexus

ILO and the Grand Bargain

26 juin 2020

► What is the Grand Bargain?

Launched during the World Humanitarian Summit, the Grand Bargain is a multi-stakeholder initiative that aims at increasing efficiency, quality and coordination of international and interagency responses to humanitarian and protracted crises. To this end in May 2016, more than 50 donors and aid organizations, including the ILO, have agreed on 51 commitments to put their engagement into practice.

► ILO’s engagement

As an open, inclusive and diverse platform, the Grand Bargain is a unique space where humanitarian actors can engage with donors and development actors in an action-oriented way. Since becoming a signatory in 2017, the ILO has capitalized on agreed commitments in order to:
  • Increase collaboration between humanitarian and development actors, with the aim of mainstreaming world of work issues in crisis situations, based on Recommendation No.205 on Employment and Decent Work for Peace and Resilience.
  • Better link humanitarian cash and social protection for sustainable and nationally-owned results.
  • Enhance the transparency of its funding, including through the publication of International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) data
  • Systematically engage with communities affected by crises ensuring the participation of and accountability to affected communities.
  • Effectively deliver responses to fragility and crisis coherently and in coordination with other aid providers and resource partners.
The ILO reports annually on its progress in the implementation of the Grand Bargain commitments and contributes to the advancement of discussions during its annual meetings.