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Step by step guide

How to ratify ILO Conventions No. 88 on Employment Services and No. 181 on Private Employment Agencies

This guide aims to facilitate the understanding by national stakeholders of the ratification process of ILO Conventions C88 and C181.

The ILO offers its tripartite constituents guidance and assistance on legal and normative issues, including regarding the ratification of ILO Conventions, and the development and implementation of national policies and legislation.

The points in this guide summarise the most common stages and best practices leading to the ratification of ILO Conventions. Since each country’s constitutional setup is different, each process is unique.

For more information on this, contact normes@ilo.org.
Promoting the ratification of the Employment Services Convention No. 88
Convention No. 88 Brochure Cover

#RatifyC88 #RatifyC181

Promoting the ratification of the Employment Services Convention No. 88

Promoting the ratification of the Private Employment Agencies Convention No. 181
Convention No. 181 Brochure Cover

#RatifyC88 #RatifyC181

Promoting the ratification of the Private Employment Agencies Convention No. 181

Factsheet: Ratification of ILO Employment Services Conventions
Convention No. 88 and No. 181 Factsheet Cover

#RatifyC88 #RatifyC181

Factsheet: Ratification of ILO Employment Services Conventions