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Labour relations

High-Level Tripartite Regional Seminar on Industrial Relations in Southeast Asian Countries

Review current approach to labour relations, build shared understanding on way forward for collaborative industrial relations and promote follow up initiatives at country level for working together for growth, productivity and decent work.


Conflict in industrial relations is unavoidable, but costs and consequences need not be! it depends on the parties how they manage the conflict. Disagreements do not mean that relations have to be non-cooperative. The social-economic crisis created by the COVID pandemic is an opportunity for tripartite constituents to review approaches to labour relations and discuss how to move their relationships at work from conflict to cooperation. In fact, recovery and growth requires that ILO constituents work together. It is in this context that ILO with the support of Japan’s Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare is organizing this regional tripartite social dialogue to review current labour relations issues, build shared understanding on challenges posed by future of work and promote follow up initiatives at country level for industrial relations for growth, productivity and decent work.

The seminar aims to provide opportunity for tripartite representatives to share country experiences and knowledge on:
  • key challenges facing industrial relations and social dialogue, including tripartite social dialogue arrangements in the country;
  • practices and challenges of bipartite social dialogue between employers and workers organizations (focus on labour-management committee(s) at enterprise level, dispute resolution at enterprise level and social dialogue & collective bargaining practices); and
  • propose follow up initiatives in support of promoting collaborative industrial relations with a view to shift from conflict to social dialogue and cooperation based industrial relations.

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