Participants at the event on dangers of child labour

Guyana Ministry of Labour hosts session with indigenous leaders in Region 2 on dangers of child labour

Sensitization event demonstrates national commitment to prevention and elimination.

28 February 2024

Participants at the Dangers of Child Labour session, hosted by the Ministry of Labour, Guyana

Guyana’s Ministry of Labour is leading efforts to eliminate child labour in all its forms across the country through awareness-building activities, including a recent sensitization session in Region 2 (Pomeroon-Supenaam) with several indigenous leaders – also known as Toshaos.

Held on 27 February 2024 at the Anna Regina State House, the interactive event focused on the problem of child labour and the harmful emotional and physical effects that children forced into child labour can experience. It also underscored how building partnerships with communities can promote actions for prevention and elimination. Special emphasis was placed on the roles that community leaders, members and stakeholders can play in helping the authorities tackle the issue.

The session continued Guyana’s actions to meet its commitment to accelerate the end of child labour by 2025 as a member of the Regional Initiative Latin America and the Caribbean Free of Child Labour, an intergovernmental and tripartite cooperation platform of 31 countries, for which the International Labour Organization (ILO) serves as the Technical Secretariat.

Featured speakers included Mrs. Gillian Burton-Persaud, Ministerial Advisor and Chairperson of the Steering Committee for the Implementation of the National Action Plan for the Elimination of Child Labour, as well as Mr. Dhaneshwar Deonarine, Chief Labour Officer, who provided detailed explanations of the definition, causes and consequences of child labour. Discussions also covered the legislative framework and activities taken by the Ministry of Labour to prevent child labour.

Nine Toshaos participated in the session, representing community populations that total over 4,000 persons. Among those in attendance was Yvonne Fredericks-Pearson, Toshao of Mainstay/Whyaka, who is also a Member of Parliament and National Focal Point for the Elimination of Child Labour.

Other Toshaos in attendance included Sonia Latchman – Bethany; Aarefa Shabber – Mashabo; Ralph Hendricks – Capoey; Aubry Fredericks – St. Denys; Monty Simon – Kabakaburi; Nicholas Braithwaite – St. Monica/Karawab; Rudolph Wilson – Akawini; and Lloyd Pereria – Wakapoa.

“The ILO through the Regional Initiative commends Guyana for targeting child labour as a cross-cutting challenge that is detrimental for all communities, whether in industrialized or rural areas. This event to engage Toshaos is a testament to the country’s optimization of partnerships and dynamic sensitization on the issue. The Ministry of Labour is delivering a strong advocacy campaign that seeks to empower communities in their role to achieve zero child labour,” explained Resel Melville, ILO Caribbean National Project Coordinator and Child Labour Focal Point.

More information on how Caribbean countries are working with the ILO to eliminate child labour is available on the Regional Initiative website .

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