Global Dialogue Forum on the Needs of Older Workers in relation to Changing Work Processes and the Working Environment in Retail Commerce

The Global Dialogue Forum on the Needs of Older Workers in relation to Changing Work Processes and the Working Environment in Retail Commerce was held at the International Labour Office in Geneva from 21–22 September 2011. The Governing Body of the ILO had approved the convening of the Forum at its 304th Session (March 2009). Based on the agreed points of discussion, the Office prepared an Issues paper 1 to serve as a basis for the Forum’s deliberations.

The purpose of the Forum was to examine the relationship between the needs of older workers in the context of an ageing population and the labour requirements of the retail sector. The Forum also recognized the dynamic context influencing retail services, including such factors as globalization, e-commerce and evolving technologies.

The Forum was attended by Government representatives from Angola, Austria, Barbados, Brazil, Egypt, El Salvador, Islamic Republic of Iran, Japan, Jordan, Lebanon, Malaysia, Mongolia, Mozambique, Philippines, Poland, South Africa, Thailand and the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. Nine Employer and 14 Worker participants also attended the Forum, as did representatives of the International Organisation of Employers (IOE) and the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC).

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Points of consensus - Global Dialogue Forum on the Needs of Older Workers in relation to Changing Work Processes and the Working Environment in Retail Commerce
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Points of consensus - Global Dialogue Forum on the Needs of Older Workers in relation to Changing Work Processes and the Working Environment in Retail Commerce

Report of the discussion - Global Dialogue Forum on the Needs of Older Workers in relation to Changing Processes and the Working Environment in Retail Commerce
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Report of the discussion - Global Dialogue Forum on the Needs of Older Workers in relation to Changing Processes and the Working Environment in Retail Commerce