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Masterclass Series “The SKILLS Bridge”

Episode 7 - Revolutionizing Skill Development: India's Sector Skills Councils

The ILO in collaboration with The World Bank, UNESCO, and National Skill Development Corporation, India organises the next upcoming episode of the “SKILLS Bridge” Masterclass series. This session will delve into the crucial topic of sector skill councils (SSCs), exploring their role in bridging the gap between skills demand and supply and promoting innovation in the context of fast changing world of work. The Master Class will focus on exploring the success factors for SSCs and providing policy guidance for countries planning to establish or strengthen their SSCs.


Sector Skills Councils (SSC) are crucial in bridging the gap between skills demand and supply while promoting lifelong learning within a specific sector. These organisations bring together essential stakeholders, such as employers, workers' organisations, enterprises, and educational and training institutions, to identify and address the sector's skills demands, promoting innovation and investment in workforce development. 

However, establishing and maintaining sector skills bodies can be challenging for many countries. This SKILLS Bridge Masterclass episode aims to delve into these challenges and explore the success factors for sector skill councils based on experiences of several countries. Specifically, this masterclass will dive deep into transitioning SSCs in India from purely government-funded organisations to ones generating revenue and providing value-added and diversified services.   

The key topics that the webinar will address include: 

  • Identifying the primary challenges and enabling factors for ensuring the long-term sustainability and effectiveness of Sector Skills Bodies, with a particular focus on financing their operations. 
  • Providing policy guidance for countries planning to establish or strengthen their SSCs. 

By examining these issues in-depth, the webinar offers valuable insights into improving the effectiveness and longevity of sector skills bodies in different contexts. 

Registration link : Click here



10:00 – 10:05 CET 

(13:30-13:35 IST)


By Dr. Ashwani Aggarwal, Workgroup Leader (Skills and Lifelong Learning Policy, Systems and Digitalization), ILO Geneva

10:05 – 10:15 CET 

(13:35-13:45 IST)

Key Note Address on “Transforming skills and lifelong system in India” 

By Dr. Atul Kumar Tiwari Secretary, Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, India

10:15 – 10:45 CET 

(13:45 – 14:15 IST)

Moderator: Dr. Ashwani Aggarwal 

Sector Skill Council in India: Presentation 

By Mr. Ved Mani Tiwari (CEO, National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC); MD, NSDC International (NSDCI)) – 15 min 

Dialogue with the moderator (15 min)

10:45 – 11:25 CET 

(14:15 – 14:55 IST)

Panel discussion on policy guidance for a country planning to establish or strengthen SSCs with: 

• Mr. Ved Mani Tiwari (CEO, NSDC & MD, NSDCI) 

• Mr. Mohit Soni (CEO, Media & Entertainment Sector Skill Council) 

• Mr. Samuel Amegayibor (CEO, Real Estate Developer Association, Ghana) 

• Dr. Khalid AlShahrani (GM SSC, Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development, Government of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia)

Moderator: Dr. Ashwani Aggarwal

11:25 – 11:30 CET 

(14:55 – 15:00 IST)

Closing remarks 

Ms. Shabanam Sinha (Lead Education Speacialist, Worldbank)


Technical specifications

The webinar will be conducted via the Zoom conferencing software.


Anyone interested in improving skills and lifelong learning systems can join these Masterclasses. There are no fees. 


The working language of the webinar will be English. 

Coordinator and moderator of the Masterclass series:

  • Dr. Ashwani Aggarwal (aggarwal@ilo.org), Workgroup Leader (Skills and Lifelong Learning Policy, Systems and Digitalization), ILO Geneva 

Contact person and further information:

Related content

Concept note and Agenda: Revolutionizing Skill Development: India's Sector Skills Councils
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Concept note and Agenda: Revolutionizing Skill Development: India's Sector Skills Councils