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DWCP India 2023-27 cover

Decent Work Country Programme for India 2023 - 2027

This country strategy is led by the ILO and its tripartite constituents. It sets out ILO’s programme in India, which is aligned with the national priorities and the UN 2030 agenda.

The Decent Work Country Programme (DWCP) for India 2023–2027 offers a roadmap to guide the contributions of the International Labour Organization (ILO) to India’s Decent Work agenda for the next five years. This DWCP is the fourth successive one formulated by the ILO and its tripartite constituents in India since 2007.

The DWCP for India 2023–2027 is based on analytical work, including the United Nations Common Country Analysis (UN CCA), consultations with government, workers’ and employers’ organization representatives, as well as other key stakeholders at the national and state levels. It is also coterminous with the UNSDF for 2023-27.

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