COVID-19 and health facilities: Checklist of measures to be taken in health facilities

This checklist applies the ILO-WHO HealthWISE participatory, action-orientated approach to prevent COVID-19 infection in health facilities and protect health personnel.

This checklist applies the ILO-WHO HealthWISE participatory, action-orientated approach to prevent COVID-19 infection in health facilities and protect health personnel.

HealthWISE is a practical, participative method for improving the quality of workplaces and practices in health facilities. This checklist with a focus on how to protect health personnel during the response to COVID-19 has been drawn up by the ILO (International Labour Organization) in consultation with WHO (World Health Organization) and with the support of the Multi-Partner Trust Fund of the joint ILO-OECD-WHO programme Working for Health (version 1, June 2020).

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