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Armenian labour inspectors advance their expertise at a capacity-building workshop

A capacity-building event was held in Yerevan on March 15, 2024 within the framework of "Promoting Implementation of Labour Rights in Armenia Together" (PILRAT) project, implemented by the International Labour Organization (ILO) in Armenia.

15 March 2024

The workshop aimed to enhance the skills of Labour Inspection Specialists from the Health and Labour Inspection Body (HLIB) of the Republic of Armenia.

In his opening speech, Nver Sargsyan, Project Coordinator of the ILO's "Promoting Implementation of Labour Rights in Armenia Together" project, highlighted the significance of ILO international labour standards as essential guidelines for countries to establish and uphold minimum standards globally. He emphasized the importance of ongoing training and capacity building for labour inspectors, especially in light of recent additions to the ILO's fundamental conventions, including Conventions 187 and 155, which focus on occupational safety and health. Although the Republic of Armenia has yet to ratify these conventions, N. Sargsyan noted the country's obligation to report regularly on their compliance and take steps towards alignment with their provisions.

Slavik Sargsyan, Head of HLIB, stressed the importance of effective collaboration and urged participants to leverage the expertise shared during the workshop to enhance their work efficiency.

During the event, Miranda Faierman, ILO Specialist on International Labour Standards (ILS) and Labour Law, delivered a presentation on ILS and Labour Inspection, followed by a Q&A session where she addressed queries from the audience.

Ashot Harutyunyan, Head Inspector of the Worker's Health Protection and Safety Supervision Division, presented issues encountered by his unit. In her turn, Alvard Arshakyan, Head Inspector of the Labour Legislation Legal Supervision Division, discussed the challenges related to labour legislation identified during legal supervision.

Following this, Lala Aslikyan, ILO Monitoring and Evaluation Officer, provided insights into monitoring and data collection methods, which were then followed by another round of questions and answers.

The ILO development cooperation project "Promoting Implementation of Labour Rights in Armenia Together" (PILRAT) is funded by the United States Department of Labour (USDOL). The Project's primary goal is to strengthen labour legislation compliance with internationally accepted standards and increase the availability of judicial and extrajudicial remedies in Armenia.