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In Cameroon, ILO Director-General stresses the importance of cooperation for achieving decent work and extending social protection
ILO Director-General stands with government representatives and social partners in Cameroon

In Cameroon, ILO Director-General stresses the importance of cooperation for achieving decent work and extending social protection

During his visit, the Director-General met government officials, and representatives of employers’ and workers’ organizations.

Farmworker Indaba Highlights Social Challenges on Wine Farms
Child Labour project National Project Coordinator presenting

Farmworker Indaba Highlights Social Challenges on Wine Farms

The recent Agri Worker Indaba, hosted by Fairtrade Africa in the Western Cape, illuminated the pressing social issues facing wine farms in the region.

Capacity building workshop advances Kenya's ecosystem restoration strategy
volunteers explaining forestation in Kenya

Capacity building workshop advances Kenya's ecosystem restoration strategy

Kenya's ecosystem restoration efforts received a boost with a four-day capacity-building workshop focusing on job creation and sustainable development

ILO extends capacity building support to business development service providers in Ethiopia
group of business development programme trainees in ethiopia

Start and improve your business

ILO extends capacity building support to business development service providers in Ethiopia

A new batch of trainers were trained in ILO’s Start and Improve Your Business (SIYB) programme to improve self-reliance of host and refugee community entrepreneurs.

The STRENGTHEN2 and EIIP teams reinforce capacities in Rwanda
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The STRENGTHEN2 and EIIP teams reinforce capacities in Rwanda

Request for quotation for the development of the Zimbabwe National Employment Policy Framework (ZiNEPF) 2024
Night photography and city lights in Harare, Zimbabwe

Terms of reference

Request for quotation for the development of the Zimbabwe National Employment Policy Framework (ZiNEPF) 2024

Addressing the invisible labour behind the cobalt mining industry
Workers in a cobalt mine in the Democratic Republic of Congo @IIED

Addressing the invisible labour behind the cobalt mining industry

An event held at the United Nations Headquarters on April 15 shed light on the harsh realities of the working conditions in the cobalt mining sector, marking the beginning of a concerted effort to promote global and sustainable changes in the industry.

Nigeria Child Labour Survey 2022
Nigeria Child Labour Survey 2022 Report Cover

Nigeria Child Labour Survey 2022

The report aims to assess the prevalence of child labour in Nigeria and analyse the interaction between child labour, schooling and children’s well-being.

Nigeria Forced Labour Survey 2022
Nigeria Forced Labour Survey 2022 Report

Nigeria Forced Labour Survey 2022

The main purpose of this survey is to improve information on forced labour through data collection and in-depth analysis.

ILO Financial Education brochure
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ILO Financial Education brochure

This brochure introduces the main objectives and characteristics of the ILO Financial Education programme including the key elements of the ILO approach, the major results achieved by the programme as well as its key features and implementation modalities. It provides an overview of what makes the ILO Financial Education programme uniquely positioned to reach vulnerable communities and provide them with vital financial literacy skills.

AU, ILO forge partnership for decent work & social justice
African Union and ILO officials at the partnership review meeting

Building a Stronger Africa

AU, ILO forge partnership for decent work & social justice

The AU-ILO Joint Planning Meeting reassures strengthened collaboration and coordination between the African Union (AU) and the International Labour Organization to advance social justice in the continent.

Two new modules on the SSE Awareness Raising Package now available in Swahili
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Two new modules on the SSE Awareness Raising Package now available in Swahili

In 2023, ITCILO Turin developed two modules for an online open access awareness-raising package on social and solidarity economy (SSE) for the UNTFSSE. With financial support provided to the ILO by the Government of Luxembourg, these modules were made available in English, French, and Spanish.

ENTERPRISES Field Specialists
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ENTERPRISES Field Specialists

ILO and Ethiopian employers unite for gender equality through collective bargaining
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ILO and Ethiopian employers unite for gender equality through collective bargaining

The Confederation of Ethiopian Employers Associations (CEEA) promotes awareness among its members on collective bargaining with a special focus on gender equality initiatives in the workplace.

Briefing - ECLT Work in Zimbabwe 28th Feb
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Briefing - ECLT Work in Zimbabwe 28th Feb

Request for Quotation for the Procurement of Services -RFQ N° (24 ACCEL/2024) Request for IT Equipment for Ministry of Labour
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Request for Quotation for the Procurement of Services -RFQ N° (24 ACCEL/2024) Request for IT Equipment for Ministry of Labour

A bitter harvest: Child labour prevalence on tobacco farms
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A bitter harvest: Child labour prevalence on tobacco farms

According to 2020 ILO/UNICEF Global Estimates, half of the over 160 million children in child labour are in sub-Saharan Africa, with 70 per cent of them in agriculture. In Zimbabwe, a week before a 2019 Ministry of Public Service, Labour, and Social Welfare child labour survey in the tobacco sector, noted that 26.3% of the children aged 5 – 15 years were involved in tobacco activities. To understand better the phenomenon, stakeholders held a week-long variety of activities recently to understand the problem in the country, share knowledge and maximise on expertise to avoid duplication of effort. It culminated into a one-day meeting to discuss the way forward.

Child labour perspectives ECLT Board
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Child labour perspectives ECLT Board

Request for Quotation for the Procurement of Services -RFQ N:23/2024 -RFQ Title/ Consultancy Firm for Capacity building workshops for the project stakeholders
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Request for Quotation for the Procurement of Services -RFQ N:23/2024 -RFQ Title/ Consultancy Firm for Capacity building workshops for the project stakeholders

Request for Quotation for the Procurement of Services -RFQ N. 07 ADWA’2024 - Supply, Delivery, and Installation of Office Furniture
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Request for Quotation for the Procurement of Services -RFQ N. 07 ADWA’2024 - Supply, Delivery, and Installation of Office Furniture