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EU and ILO to improve the employability of Youth NEETs in the MENA region
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EU and ILO to improve the employability of Youth NEETs in the MENA region

A new action funded by the European Union will enable the ILO to improve the employability of young people not in employment, education or training across the Middle East and North Africa for their successful integration in labour markets.

More and better jobs through trade and investments with METI
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More and better jobs through trade and investments with METI

Fifth UfM Trade and Investment Forum
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Fifth UfM Trade and Investment Forum

Trade provides economic opportunities, but can this be translated into decent jobs for all?

Trade provides economic opportunities, but can this be translated into decent jobs for all?
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Fifth UfM Trade and Investment Forum

Trade provides economic opportunities, but can this be translated into decent jobs for all?

The ILO’s Director of the Employment Policy, Job Creation and Livelihoods Department, Sangheon Lee, advocates for stronger alignment of trade, investment and employment policies for translating economic opportunities into decent employment realities during the 5th UfM Trade and Investment Forum.

Agenda for METI's First regional knowledge-sharing workshop
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Agenda for METI's First regional knowledge-sharing workshop

Flyer for METI's First regional knowledge-sharing workshop
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Flyer for METI's First regional knowledge-sharing workshop

Call for expression of interest: Communication consultant position
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Call for expression of interest: Communication consultant position

The ILO is seeking a Consultant to join the project team of the “Mainstreaming Employment into Trade and Investment in the Southern Neighbourhood” programme. Qualified person who wish to be considered for this position should send an email including their Current Curriculum Vitae (CV) with references of previous assignments and financial proposal, indicating the daily rate and other costs. The application should be sent in an electronic format to by 25 September 2023

Enabling Success: Supporting youth in MENA in their transition from learning to decent work
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Enabling Success: Supporting youth in MENA in their transition from learning to decent work

Brief – May 2023

ILO calls for strengthened partnerships to promote decent work for youth in rural Africa
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Joint ILO – IFAD event

ILO calls for strengthened partnerships to promote decent work for youth in rural Africa

The ILO and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) gathered Governments’, workers’ and employers representatives from Africa and key stakeholders to discuss how integrated agribusiness hubs can support decent jobs for young people in the region.

Malaysia - Labour Inspection Country Profile
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Malaysia - Labour Inspection Country Profile

First regional knowledge-sharing workshop on the impact of trade and investment policies on productive and decent employment in the Southern Mediterranean countries
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First regional knowledge-sharing workshop on the impact of trade and investment policies on productive and decent employment in the Southern Mediterranean countries

ILO leads MENA leadership programme to promote a just transition to a green future of work
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ILO leads MENA leadership programme to promote a just transition to a green future of work

Worker, employer and government representatives from the region met online to gain a better understanding gained a better understanding of how to shape policies to implement climate change commitments.

Support the design and development of a multi-country monitoring, evaluation and knowledge learning system for ProAgro YOUTH
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Request for Quotation

Support the design and development of a multi-country monitoring, evaluation and knowledge learning system for ProAgro YOUTH

The ILO is seeking to recruit a service provider (firm) to support the design and development of a multi-country monitoring, evaluation and knowledge learning system for the “ProAgro YOUTH: Support to integrated agribusiness hubs in Algeria, Côte d’Ivoire, Madagascar and Malawi” project.

RfQ (Annex-I): Support the design and development of a multi-country monitoring, evaluation and knowledge learning system for ProAgro YOUTH
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RfQ (Annex-I): Support the design and development of a multi-country monitoring, evaluation and knowledge learning system for ProAgro YOUTH

Request for Quotation for the Procurement of Services: Support the design and development of a multi-country monitoring, evaluation and knowledge learning system for the “ProAgro YOUTH: Support to integrated agribusiness hubs in Algeria, Côte d’Ivoire, Madagascar and Malawi” project. Annex I - Terms of References

RfQ: Support the design and development of a multi-country monitoring, evaluation and knowledge learning system for ProAgro YOUTH
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RfQ: Support the design and development of a multi-country monitoring, evaluation and knowledge learning system for ProAgro YOUTH

Request for Quotation for the Procurement of Services: Support the design and development of a multi-country monitoring, evaluation and knowledge learning system for the “ProAgro YOUTH: Support to integrated agribusiness hubs in Algeria, Côte d’Ivoire, Madagascar and Malawi” project.

ONE PAGER - Administrative barriers, capacity constraints and solutions for the inclusion of agricultural workers in social insurance schemes in the Middle East and North Africa
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Social Protection

ONE PAGER - Administrative barriers, capacity constraints and solutions for the inclusion of agricultural workers in social insurance schemes in the Middle East and North Africa

Administrative barriers, capacity constraints and solutions for the inclusion of agricultural workers in social insurance schemes in the Middle East and North Africa
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Social Protection

Administrative barriers, capacity constraints and solutions for the inclusion of agricultural workers in social insurance schemes in the Middle East and North Africa

ONE PAGER - Financing social insurance schemes for agricultural workers in the Middle East and North Africa
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Social Protection

ONE PAGER - Financing social insurance schemes for agricultural workers in the Middle East and North Africa

Financing social insurance schemes for agricultural workers in the Middle East and North Africa
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Social Protection

Financing social insurance schemes for agricultural workers in the Middle East and North Africa

New EU-ILO partnership to improve occupational safety and health in the Mediterranean region, notably through strengthened labour inspectorates
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New EU-ILO partnership to improve occupational safety and health in the Mediterranean region, notably through strengthened labour inspectorates

The project will benefit workers in vulnerable conditions, such as women and young workers, with a focus on the agricultural sector in Maghreb (Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia)