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Institutional and labour relations regimes promoting decent working conditions for Local and Regional Government (LRG) Workers in Croatia, Germany, Greece, Spain, and Sweden
WP 114 - Cover

ILO Working paper 114

Institutional and labour relations regimes promoting decent working conditions for Local and Regional Government (LRG) Workers in Croatia, Germany, Greece, Spain, and Sweden

This publication presents a comparative analysis of the Local and Regional Government (LRG) sector workforce in five European countries: Croatia, Germany, Greece, Spain, and Sweden.

Workers’ representatives in selected Central and Eastern European countries: Filling a gap in labour rights protection or trade union competition?
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Workers’ representatives in selected Central and Eastern European countries: Filling a gap in labour rights protection or trade union competition?

Promotion of social justice essential for sustainable and equitable recovery, ILO tells EU ministers
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Informal EPSCO

Promotion of social justice essential for sustainable and equitable recovery, ILO tells EU ministers

Speaking to EU ministers of employment and social affairs, the ILO Director-General underlined the need to put social justice back at the centre of policy-making, using concerted and decisive action.

Upskilling mediation and arbitration professional in Greece
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Upskilling mediation and arbitration professional in Greece

An appraisal of EIIP’s longer-term development impacts
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An appraisal of EIIP’s longer-term development impacts

The purpose of this study is to improve understanding of how the project implementation related activities of the Employment Intensive Investment Programme (EIIP) generate long-term development impacts which arise out of: (a) the benefits for users and the wider society of the improved assets, and (b) the employment and increased incomes of those employed on projects.

ILO Director-General discusses bilateral cooperation with the European Commission
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ILO Director-General discusses bilateral cooperation with the European Commission

During his first official visit to Brussels, the ILO Director-General met the Executive Vice-President for the European Green Deal, the Vice-President for Promoting our European Way of Life, and the EU Commissioners for Jobs and Social Rights and for International Partnerships. They discussed ongoing work and the priorities ahead.

Supporting the modernisation of labour inspection, mediation, conciliation and arbitration services in Greece
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Supporting the modernisation of labour inspection, mediation, conciliation and arbitration services in Greece

The European Commission and the ILO will assist the Greek authorities in restructuring the Labour Inspectorate and strengthening the effectiveness of the labour dispute prevention and resolution system of Greece following the 2021 legislation reform.

Peak-level social dialogue and COVID-19: The European experience
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Peak-level social dialogue and COVID-19: The European experience

This report outlines the role social dialogue played in designing response measures to the COVID-19 pandemic. Through six country case studies, it shows the value of social dialogue in times of crisis, and the pitfalls when dialogue did not take place.

ILO and European Commission reaffirm mutual partnership at 16th High Level meeting
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ILO-EU Relations

ILO and European Commission reaffirm mutual partnership at 16th High Level meeting

Conclusions of the 16th High-level meeting between the International Labour Organization and the European Commission (2022)
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Conclusions of the 16th High-level meeting between the International Labour Organization and the European Commission (2022)

Three essential questions: Interview with Pola Schneemelcher, Project Manager at Institute for Macrofinance, Berlin, Germany
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Youth labour markets in the EU

Three essential questions: Interview with Pola Schneemelcher, Project Manager at Institute for Macrofinance, Berlin, Germany

We interviewed Pola Schneemelcher, Project Manager in the area of labor market and fiscal policy at the think tank Dezernat Zukunft – Institute for Macrofinance. She shared her insights on how youth labour markets in the European Union were impacted by the pandemic, what measures she has seen and whether governments can afford these measures or not. The Dezernat Zukunft is a non-partisan think tank aiming at rethinking and explaining monetary, financial, and economic policy in a comprehensible way.

ILO welcomes renewed EU focus on decent work worldwide for a just transition and a sustainable recovery
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ILO welcomes renewed EU focus on decent work worldwide for a just transition and a sustainable recovery

The European Commission has adopted a Communication on decent work worldwide, which sets out how the EU will act upon the challenges linked to a just green and digital transition and a sustainable recovery from the pandemic.

Lucas Mprechas, Founding Member and Coordinator of the Social Network for Social Solidarity and Regional Development (KAPA Network), Greece
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Spotlight Interviews with Co-operators

Lucas Mprechas, Founding Member and Coordinator of the Social Network for Social Solidarity and Regional Development (KAPA Network), Greece

“Spotlight Interviews with Co-operators” is a series of interviews with cooperative and wider social and solidarity economy (SSE) policy makers, researchers and practitioners from around the world with whom ILO officials have crossed paths during the course of their work. On this occasion, the ILO interviewed Lucas Mprechas founder of the Social Network for Social Solidarity and Regional Development (KAPA Network) in Greece.

Greece ratifies the Promotional Framework for Occupational Safety and Health Convention and the Violence and Harassment Convention
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Labour Standards

Greece ratifies the Promotional Framework for Occupational Safety and Health Convention and the Violence and Harassment Convention

ILO Director-General addresses EU Social Summit in Porto
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Social Summit in Porto

ILO Director-General addresses EU Social Summit in Porto

Europe must seize its opportunity to increase investment in training, social protection, social dialogue and the jobs of the future, ILO Director-General, Guy Ryder, told EU leaders at their Social Summit in Porto, Portugal.

How effective were the EU’s economic adjustment programmes in improving job quality in Greece?
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Training Policy Brief

How effective were the EU’s economic adjustment programmes in improving job quality in Greece?

This brief shows that Greece’s economic adjustment programmes (EAP) have been detrimental to job quality. Against this background, it proposes five policy measures that could improve employment conditions. Given the potential positive effects of job quality to macro-financial stability, such measures could also improve the country’s socio- economic performance over the post-adjustment period.

EU and ILO mark anniversary of the Council Recommendation on a European framework for quality and effective apprenticeships
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EU and ILO mark anniversary of the Council Recommendation on a European framework for quality and effective apprenticeships

At a high-level conference on quality and effective apprenticeships, organized by the ILO and the European Alliance for Apprenticeships, the ILO Director-General said that the pandemic has severely affected skills and lifelong learning. The effects of the pandemic on apprenticeships and internships stand to last long after the lockdown measures are lifted.

ILO joins informal EPSCO meeting on Priorities for a stronger social Europe
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ILO joins informal EPSCO meeting on Priorities for a stronger social Europe

Speaking to the EU Ministers for Employment and Social Policy, the ILO Director-General underlined the need to invest in people, in the institutions of work, and in the jobs of the future. He welcomed the process towards an Action plan to implement the European Pillar of Social Rights, which is of strategic importance for the recovery.

EU and ILO reinforce cooperation for just recovery from crisis and promote decent work
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EU and ILO reinforce cooperation for just recovery from crisis and promote decent work

The International Labour Organization and the European Union have reinforced their cooperation to shape the future of work and promote decent work. This will help the EU and the ILO in their responses to the devastating impact of the coronavirus crisis on the world of work.

UNECE region reviews Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration
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Global Compact on Migration

UNECE region reviews Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration