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ILO Caribbean NewsLink December 2023
ILO Carribean Newsletter Dec 2023

ILO Caribbean NewsLink December 2023

Belize tripartite partners validate Decent Work Country Diagnostic; Jamaica and Brazil strengthen their actions to achieve the first generation free of child labour, ILO hosts tripartite workshop on just transition strategies as part of Suriname’s DWCP and more

Handbook on the employment of minors
Cover_Handbook on the employment of minors

Child labour

Handbook on the employment of minors

A question - and - answer handbook on the employment of minor workers was developed within the framework of the ILO Project: Enhancing National Capacity to Prevent and Reduce Child Labour in Viet Nam (ENHANCE) with the Legal Department of the Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs.

Cooperatives in social development
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UN Secretary-General's Report

Cooperatives in social development

Cooperative Care Provision as a Gender-Transformative Decent Work Solution
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Cooperative Care Provision as a Gender-Transformative Decent Work Solution

The ILO’s Gender, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Branch (GEDI) and Cooperatives Unit (COOP) are working together on building an innovative cross-regional, multi-country programme on Cooperative Care Provision as a Gender transformative Decent Work Solution. The programme aims to enhance care provision through cooperatives and other social and solidarity entities starting with a series of pilot initiatives. The full programme is expected to help strengthen and scale up national support networks to better serve their members by building capacities for improved delivery of services, and advocating for their needs, concerns, and priorities.

Think.COOP for refugees and host communities
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Think.COOP for refugees and host communities

Think.COOP for refugees and host communities is designed for refugees and host community residents who are interested in joining or starting a cooperative. During this orientation, the participants: (i) learn about the fundamentals of a cooperative business; (ii) understand the conditions under which the cooperative is a better way to doing business; (iii) analyse how social cohesion and trust can help one pursue opportunities to improve one’s livelihood; and (iv) learn how cooperative can contribute to build trust and social cohesion at the community level. At the end of this orientation, the participants will be better able to decide whether the cooperative business model is right for them.

ILO Training of Trainers - Think COOP, Start COOP, My COOP
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ILO Training of Trainers - Think COOP, Start COOP, My COOP

Measuring Cooperatives: An information guide on the ILO Guidelines concerning Statistics of Cooperatives
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Measuring Cooperatives: An information guide on the ILO Guidelines concerning Statistics of Cooperatives

Advancing the 2030 Agenda through the Social and Solidarity Economy
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Advancing the 2030 Agenda through the Social and Solidarity Economy

The social and solidarity economy (SSE) is a dynamic force for change that is key to realizing the paradigm shift called for in the 2030 Agenda. This Position Paper of the United Nations Inter-Agency Task Force on Social and Solidarity Economy (UNTFSSE) examines the contribution of the SSE to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), identifies policy and legal reforms that can foster an institutional environment conducive to SSE, and calls attention to the need for advocacy and policy innovation at multiple levels of governance – local, regional, national and international.

Social and solidarity economy: Social innovation catalyst in Africa?
Cover for publication: "Social and solidarity economy: Social innovation catalyst in Africa?"

Social and solidarity economy: Social innovation catalyst in Africa?

The report illustrates and characterizes the social innovation processes carried out by Social and Solidarity Economy Organizations (SSEOs) in five African countries (South Africa, Cameroon, Morocco, Senegal and Tunisia). By analysing practical cases of social innovation, it explores the extent to which SSEOs contribute to generating social innovation in Africa for a more sustainable and inclusive local development, as well as the creation and promotion of decent work for all. The report highlights internal and external factors impacting SSEOs in their social innovation process and it presents a set of policy recommendations to unlock the potential of SSEOs as catalyser of social innovation in African.

Training manual on child labour prevention and reduction: For cooperatives and the collective sector - Book 1
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Training manual on child labour prevention and reduction: For cooperatives and the collective sector - Book 1

The package entitled "Training manual on child labour prevention and reduction for cooperatives and the collective sector" was developed under the cooperation between ILO Vietnam and Vietnam Cooperative Alliance (VCA). It is a set of training guidlines for cooperative staff and personnel.

Training manual on child labour prevention and reduction: For cooperatives and the collective sector - Book 2
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Book 2

Training manual on child labour prevention and reduction: For cooperatives and the collective sector - Book 2

The package entitled "Training manual on child labour prevention and reduction for cooperatives and the collective sector" was developed under the cooperation between ILO Vietnam and Vietnam Cooperative Alliance (VCA). It is a set of training guidlines for cooperative staff and personnel.

Terms of Reference for an implementing partner: Consultancy for delivering a Training of Trainer (ToT) in ILO Cooperative Development Tools (Think.COOP, Start.COOP, My.COOP) in Uganda
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Terms of Reference for an implementing partner: Consultancy for delivering a Training of Trainer (ToT) in ILO Cooperative Development Tools (Think.COOP, Start.COOP, My.COOP) in Uganda

ToR for Consultant - Organize Training of Trainer (ToT) in ILO Cooperative Development Tools (Think.COOP, Start.COOP and My.COOP) in Kenya
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ToR for Consultant - Organize Training of Trainer (ToT) in ILO Cooperative Development Tools (Think.COOP, Start.COOP and My.COOP) in Kenya

Guide to Recommendation No.189 on Job Creation in Small and Medium Sized Enterprises
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Guide to Recommendation No.189 on Job Creation in Small and Medium Sized Enterprises

This Guide to the Recommendation No. 189 provides key elements to support the implementation of policies and strategies to promote decent and sustainable job creation in Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs).

Cooperatives and the World of Work No. 16 - Legal Compendium on the Social and Solidarity Economy
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Cooperatives and the World of Work No. 16 - Legal Compendium on the Social and Solidarity Economy

A shared understanding of the social and solidarity economy (SSE) is emerging from the development of legislation and statistical frameworks on the SSE. Since the turn of the century, legislation on the SSE has been adopted in more than 20 countries. Based on a review of the legal acts, this brief presents and synthesizes the values, principles, organizational forms and policy measures that are subsumed under the SSE.

Cooperatives and the World of Work No. 15 - Partnerships between trade unions and the social and solidarity economy to support informal economy workers
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Cooperatives and the World of Work No. 15 - Partnerships between trade unions and the social and solidarity economy to support informal economy workers

This brief documents partnerships between trade unions and the social and the solidarity economy in support of informal economy workers. It is based on a research study that involved a literature review, and an examination of selected partnerships through the development of country case studies in Brazil, Colombia, Kenya and South Africa, and validation of findings with organizations of informal economy workers.

Social Protection & Cooperatives Spotlight - Mobilizing social and solidarity economy units towards universal social protection
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Social Protection & Cooperatives Spotlight - Mobilizing social and solidarity economy units towards universal social protection

This ILO Spotlight brief is jointly developed by the Social Protection Department and the Cooperatives Unit in the Enterprises Department. It focuses on mobilizing social and solidarity economy units towards universal social protection. The brief builds on the related section of the Office Report on “Decent work and the social and solidarity economy” prepared for general discussion at the International Labour Conference 110th Session, 2022 (paras 73 et seq.).

Integrated enterprise and market systems assessment on the refugee and host community livelihoods in Sudan
Cover for publication: "Integrated enterprise and market systems assessment on the refugee and host community livelihoods in Sudan"

Integrated enterprise and market systems assessment on the refugee and host community livelihoods in Sudan

This report details the findings of market assessments conducted on the groundnut and sesame value chains in East Darfur and West Kordofan.

South Africa’s social and solidarity economy: Alignment of the policy with national, regional and international frameworks
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South Africa’s social and solidarity economy: Alignment of the policy with national, regional and international frameworks

Social economy

South Africa’s social and solidarity economy: An evaluation of the policy development process
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South Africa’s social and solidarity economy: An evaluation of the policy development process

Social Economy