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Designing and Implementing Market-led Interventions in Forced Displacement Settings
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Designing and Implementing Market-led Interventions in Forced Displacement Settings

Value chain analysis of Suriname’s wood-processing sector
Cover for publication Value chain analysis of Suriname’s wood-processing sector

Value chain analysis of Suriname’s wood-processing sector

The main objective of the VCA is to identify opportunities for promoting inclusive and environmentally sustainable growth of the wood-processing sector in Suriname in a way that specifically targets small and medium enterprises (SMEs), promotes environmental sustainability, encourages women’s economic empowerment, and generates formal job creation.

Reducing Waste Towards a Just Transition: Work, Labour, and Value in the Informal Recycling Chain
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Reducing Waste Towards a Just Transition: Work, Labour, and Value in the Informal Recycling Chain

A rough guide to measuring job quality in market systems development: Operational guidance
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A rough guide to measuring job quality in market systems development: Operational guidance

Engaging multinational enterprises on more and better jobs
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Engaging multinational enterprises on more and better jobs

The ILO approach to responsible global business - Sustainable Enterprises

Infographics: Project overview and results
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Sustainable enterprises

Infographics: Project overview and results

This infographic provides an overview of PSEI project and its impact.

Infographics: Project overview and photo results
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Sustainable enterprises

Infographics: Project overview and photo results

This infographic provides an overview of PSEI project and its impact.

Decent Work Supply Chain Survey - Pilot on the electronics supply chain in Viet Nam
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Decent Work Supply Chain Survey - Pilot on the electronics supply chain in Viet Nam

The survey aims to produce high-quality, replicable data on supply chains to identify decent work deficits as well as provide critical information to create more and better opportunities for employment and growth.

A sector selection and value chain analysis in Belize - Sustainable tourism and dehydrated fruits processing in the districts of Toledo and Stann Creek
Cover for publication A sector selection and value chain analysis in Belize

A sector selection and value chain analysis in Belize - Sustainable tourism and dehydrated fruits processing in the districts of Toledo and Stann Creek

This publication offers a structured framework for identifying value chains that foster economic growth, job creation, and poverty reduction. Furthermore, it enables the identification of constraints and opportunities that may impact value chain performance.

JobAgri: Putting knowledge to work to support job-rich investments in agriculture and agri-food chains in Africa
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Joint ILO-FAO-Cirad-AU engagement to support job rich recovery in Africa

JobAgri: Putting knowledge to work to support job-rich investments in agriculture and agri-food chains in Africa

Decent work challenges and opportunities in Malaysia’s rubber glove supply chain
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Decent work challenges and opportunities in Malaysia’s rubber glove supply chain

The report aims to strengthen the evidence base on the decent work challenges and opportunities across the four strategic objectives of the Decent Work Agenda: employment creation, rights at work, social protection and social dialogue.

Ready Made Garments Sector Egypt Youth Employment: Jobs and Private Sector Development in Rural Egypt (RAWABET)
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Jobs and Private Sector Development in Rural Egypt (RAWABET)

Ready Made Garments Sector Egypt Youth Employment: Jobs and Private Sector Development in Rural Egypt (RAWABET)

Contributing to national and local economic development (LED) initiatives Egypt Youth Employment: Jobs and Private Sector Development in Rural Egypt (RAWABET)
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Jobs and Private Sector Development in Rural Egypt (RAWABET)

Contributing to national and local economic development (LED) initiatives Egypt Youth Employment: Jobs and Private Sector Development in Rural Egypt (RAWABET)

A “market system” approach to promote decent work in the white goods value chain Egypt Youth Employment: Jobs and Private Sector Development in Rural Egypt (RAWABET)
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Jobs and Private Sector Development in Rural Egypt (RAWABET)

A “market system” approach to promote decent work in the white goods value chain Egypt Youth Employment: Jobs and Private Sector Development in Rural Egypt (RAWABET)

The social life of industrial disputes: Exploring workers-centred industrial relations in India’s garment labour regime
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Labour relations

The social life of industrial disputes: Exploring workers-centred industrial relations in India’s garment labour regime

This report describes the nature of labour relations from a perspective of worker grievances in three garment production clusters of India, namely the National Capital Region, Bengaluru and Tiruppur. It establishes a connection between the evolution of regional labour regimes and the social history of industrial relations and grievances in these three clusters. The report is an important reference to understand the understand differences and commonalities of working and living conditions of garment workers across these locations.

Study on decent work in the textile and clothing industry in Madagascar
Study on decent work in the textile and clothing industry in Madagascar - Cover

Supply chains

Study on decent work in the textile and clothing industry in Madagascar

In-depth qualitative and quantitative research on the challenges and opportunities for decent work along the textile and clothing supply chain in Madagascar.

Egypt Youth Employment (EYE): Jobs and Private Sector Development in Rural Egypt “RAWABET” Ready Made Garments in Egypt: Market Systems Analysis
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Jobs and Private Sector Development in Rural Egypt (RAWABET)

Egypt Youth Employment (EYE): Jobs and Private Sector Development in Rural Egypt “RAWABET” Ready Made Garments in Egypt: Market Systems Analysis

A “market system” approach to promote decent work in the white goods value chain
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Jobs and Private Sector Development in Rural Egypt (RAWABET)

A “market system” approach to promote decent work in the white goods value chain

ILO-Sida Decent Work in Garment Supply Chains Asia: Publication summary
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Supply chains

ILO-Sida Decent Work in Garment Supply Chains Asia: Publication summary

A compilation of the research and knowledge products produced by the ILO-Sida Decent Work in Garment Supply Chains Asia project.

Value chain analysis of the food processing sector in Andhra Pradesh and Odisha
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Food processing sector

Value chain analysis of the food processing sector in Andhra Pradesh and Odisha

The report is produced by the development cooperation project ‘Promoting Sustainable Enterprises in India’ (PSEI) and aims at enriching knowledge of various market actors in the food processing sector in the two states for evidence-based design and implementation of sectoral policy initiatives.