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Report at a glance: Ensuring safety and health at work in a changing climate
Cover image of the report at a glance: ensuring safety and health at work in a changing climate (english)

Overview of the key findings of the report

Report at a glance: Ensuring safety and health at work in a changing climate

Ensuring safety and health at work in a changing climate
Ensuring safety and health at work in a changing climate. English report cover image.

Global Report

Ensuring safety and health at work in a changing climate

Skills Matter!
Skills Matter cover

Skills development

Skills Matter!

The continuum of interventions allowed for meaningful changes in people’s lives, in institutions’ capacity, in companies’ productivity and in the way the TVET system operates. The ILO interventions, with the support of the European Union and the Government of Canada, aim to strengthen the skills system governance, the development of skills policies and qualifications frameworks; the delivery of quality skills training and certification, and the inclusiveness of TVET. They include the European Union funded TVET-Reform project (2007-15) and Skills 21 project (2017-24), and the Government of Canada funded B-SEP project (2013-19), ProGRESS project (2022-27); and ISEC project (2022-25); ISEC is partially funded by the Kingdom of Netherlands.This brochure captures the main changes these projects brought forward for people, institutions, and companies.

Green Jobs Assessment Model Ghana
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Green Jobs Assessment Model Ghana

EMPLOYMENT Department Newsletter, March/April 2024
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EMPLOYMENT Department Newsletter, March/April 2024

Executive Summary: Arab States Employment and Social Outlook - Trends 2024
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Executive Summary: Arab States Employment and Social Outlook - Trends 2024

Promoting social justice through a just transition

Arab States Employment and Social Outlook - Trends 2024: Promoting social justice through a just transition
Arab States Employment and Social Outlook 2024 cover

Arab States Employment and Social Outlook - Trends 2024: Promoting social justice through a just transition

Gender-responsive Just Transition country analysis
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Gender-responsive Just Transition country analysis

opportunities and challenges for a just transition in Botswana

Assessment of the enabling environment for the uptake of renewable energy in Botswana to mitigate the effects of climate change
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Assessment of the enabling environment for the uptake of renewable energy in Botswana to mitigate the effects of climate change

ILO Strategy on extending social protection to migrant workers, refugees and their families
Cover_Ilo strategy on extending social protection to migrant workers

Social protection

ILO Strategy on extending social protection to migrant workers, refugees and their families

All members of society have the right to social security, including migrant workers, refugees, and their families. However, they face numerous legal and practical obstacles in accessing social protection. Based on the principles of equality of treatment and non-discrimination, well-designed and inclusive social protection systems and international cooperation, are powerful tools to reduce poverty, inequality, social exclusion and achieving sustainable development.

EMPLOYMENT Department Newsletter, January/February 2024
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EMPLOYMENT Department Newsletter, January/February 2024

Just energy transition in Indonesia: The role of social protection in facilitating the process
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Just energy transition in Indonesia: The role of social protection in facilitating the process

This paper was initially prepared and submitted to the Just Energy Transition Working Group in May 2023 as part of the ILO’s technical contributions. It aims to facilitate discussions on how social protection could facilitate the just energy transition in Indonesia.

ILO Caribbean NewsLink December 2023
ILO Carribean Newsletter Dec 2023

ILO Caribbean NewsLink December 2023

Belize tripartite partners validate Decent Work Country Diagnostic; Jamaica and Brazil strengthen their actions to achieve the first generation free of child labour, ILO hosts tripartite workshop on just transition strategies as part of Suriname’s DWCP and more

Policy Brief: Green Jobs Assessment Model (GJAM)
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Policy Brief: Green Jobs Assessment Model (GJAM)

A tool for evidence-based policy advice to achieve better jobs outcomes and a Just Transition for All

Green Jobs Assessment Model: Sustainable Tourism in Burkina Faso
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Burkina Faso

Green Jobs Assessment Model: Sustainable Tourism in Burkina Faso

A new social contract: achieving social justice in an era of accelerating change
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International Journal of Labour Research

A new social contract: achieving social justice in an era of accelerating change

This 2023 edition of the International Journal of Labour Research (IJLR), aims to stimulate reflection on what a new social contract might entail and more specifically the role of workers’ organizations in engaging in the design and establishment of a new social contract within the multilateral system and at national level. Thus, the focus of this issue is both on what such a new social contract may entail and on what to do in terms of its implementation.

Circular economy in the food and beverage industry for a green recovery - PAGE Indonesia: In-depth assessment of green jobs and skill needs
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Circular economy in the food and beverage industry for a green recovery - PAGE Indonesia: In-depth assessment of green jobs and skill needs

The present report introduces an in-depth assessment of green jobs and skill needs for circular economy in the palm cooking oil industry. Its relevance is high as circular economy has been established as one of the priorities in Indonesia’s green economy strategy, itself instrumental to attain Indonesia Vision 2045.

Realist review on just transition
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Realist review on just transition

Human-Centred Economics: The Living Standards of Nations
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Human-Centred Economics: The Living Standards of Nations

Human-Centred Economics: The Living Standards of Nations [Summary]
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Executive Summary

Human-Centred Economics: The Living Standards of Nations [Summary]

This book presents a critical analysis of macroeconomic policy, advocating structural reform to address global challenges and enhance societal well-being in a rapidly changing world.