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Hazardous exposures to plastics in the world of work
Hazardous exposures to plastics in the world of work - Cover

Hazardous exposures to plastics in the world of work

Plastics are found in all aspects of modern life, including the world of work. Workers in numerous industries use plastics during the course of their work and may therefore be at risk of harmful chemical exposures, depending on the variety of plastic and type of exposure.

Exposure to lead in the world of work: Impacts for occupational safety and health
Exposure to lead in the world of work: Impacts for occupational safety and health

Exposure to lead in the world of work: Impacts for occupational safety and health

Lead is a highly toxic heavy metal, whose widespread use in many industries has impacted the health of numerous workers globally. Exposure to this hazardous metal can severely damage body systems and organs, leading to disability, life-long illness and even death. Workers in many sectors are exposed, including those in used lead-acid battery (ULAB) recycling, construction, painting, mining and smelting.

Technical guidelines on biological hazards in the working environment
Technical guidelines on biological hazards in the working environment - Cover

Technical guidelines on biological hazards in the working environment

The objective of the Technical Guidelines on Biological Hazards adopted by the 346th Session of ILO’s Governing Body in November 2022 (GB.346/INS/17/3) is to provide governments, employers, workers, and their organizations with key principles for the effective management of biological hazards in the working environment, in line with ILO standards and principles. The guidelines were drafted by a group of international specialists and were adopted by a tripartite meeting of experts from different countries that met in Geneva from 20 to 24 June 2022.

Chemicals and climate change in the world of work: Impacts for occupational safety and health
Chemicals and climate change in the world of work: Impacts for occupational safety and health - Cover

Chemicals and climate change in the world of work: Impacts for occupational safety and health

The impacts of climate change extend beyond the environment, impacting the world of work and posing significant challenges to the sound management of chemicals. This report examines the interconnectedness of climate change, chemicals and the world of work, discussing common risks and hazards and exploring action to be taken at the national and workplace level toward mitigating these risks.

Digitalization and the Future of Work in the Chemical Industry in Germany
Digitalization and the Future of Work in the Chemical Industry in Germany - Cover

Digitalization and the Future of Work in the Chemical Industry in Germany

An important contribution to the growing knowledge base on technological change and digital transitions and the ways in which constituents can shape a future that works for all in the industry.

Developing a National GHS Implementation Strategy
Developing a National GHS Implementation Strategy - Cover

Developing a National GHS Implementation Strategy

A Guidance Document to support implementation of the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS)

Exposure to Mercury in the world of work: A review of the evidence and key priority actions
Exposure to Mercury in the world of work - A review of the evidence and key priority actions

Exposure to Mercury in the world of work: A review of the evidence and key priority actions

International Framework Agreements in the food retail, garment and chemicals sectors: Lessons learned from three case studies
International Framework Agreements in the food retail, garment and chemicals sectors: Lessons learned from three case studies - Cover

International Framework Agreements in the food retail, garment and chemicals sectors: Lessons learned from three case studies

With a focus on three recent IFAs in three economic sectors, this working paper is a contribution to the growing body of knowledge on international framework agreements. It complements existing and ongoing research on national and cross-border social dialogue and international framework agreements by other international and regional organizations and by the ILO itself.

Sectoral Studies on Decent Work in Global Supply Chains
Sectoral Studies on Decent Work in Global Supply Chains - Cover

Sectoral Studies on Decent Work in Global Supply Chains

Comparative Analysis of Good Practices by Multinational Enterprises in Promoting Decent Work in Global Supply Chains

The glass industry: recent trends and changes in working conditions and employment relations
The glass industry: recent trends and changes in working conditions and employment relations - Cover

The glass industry: recent trends and changes in working conditions and employment relations

At its 317th Session in March 2013, the ILO Governing Body instructed the Office to conduct a research study on technological progress in the glass industry and its impact on employment structure in the industry.

Promoting decent work in the chemical industry: Innovative initiatives
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Promoting decent work in the chemical industry: Innovative initiatives

Issues paper for discussion at the Global Dialogue Forum on Initiatives to Promote Decent and Productive Work in the Chemical Industry

Recent Issues Regarding Collective Bargaining and Conditions of Work in the Chemical Industry
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Recent Issues Regarding Collective Bargaining and Conditions of Work in the Chemical Industry

Working Paper 246

Corporate Structural Change and Social Dialogue in the Chemical Industry - Working Paper 240
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Corporate Structural Change and Social Dialogue in the Chemical Industry - Working Paper 240