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Reintegration for Migrant Workers
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Fact sheet

Reintegration for Migrant Workers

Integrated approaches for formalization in Asia and the Pacific
Cover of the Integrated approaches for formalization in Asia and the Pacific

Integrated approaches for formalization in Asia and the Pacific

This report highlights why the multi-faceted dimensions of informality demand an integrated approach to formalization, outlines the nature of an integrated approach to employment formalization, reviews the extent that countries in Asia and the Pacific are applying integrated approaches to formalization, and provides examples and an action-oriented outline for advancing integrated approaches to formalization in the region.

Pacific Employment and Social Monitor, April 2024: Towards resilient labour markets and better jobs
Cover of the Pacific Employment and Social Monitor, April 2024: Towards resilient labour markets and better jobs

ILO Brief

Pacific Employment and Social Monitor, April 2024: Towards resilient labour markets and better jobs

The report highlights how low-quality jobs are driving migration from smaller Pacific islands and calls for targeted policies for inclusive decent work.

Skills demand and supply assessment in the Chattogram-Cox's Bazar region, Bangladesh
Skill demand and supply in the Chattogram-Cox's Bazar region of Bangladesh

Skills demand and supply assessment in the Chattogram-Cox's Bazar region, Bangladesh

Two-faceted assessment was conducted that included industry skills demand anticipation and skills supply in the Chattogram–Cox’s Bazar region, focusing on five priority economic sectors. The study provides strategic recommendations for fostering economic growth, ensuring employability, and addressing the unique demands of the Chattogram–Cox's Bazar region.

Formalization and simplified micro and small enterprise regimes: Towards reform of the Viet Nam household business legislation
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Formalization and simplified micro and small enterprise regimes: Towards reform of the Viet Nam household business legislation

This paper proposes concrete recommendations to better integrate MSEs in Viet Nam in the formal economy, in addition to highlighting the importance of registration systems within a comprehensive and integrated policy framework for business formalization.

Quarterly Social Security Policy Monitor - Issue 16
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Social Security

Quarterly Social Security Policy Monitor - Issue 16

The care economy and decent work in Sri Lanka: Opportunities, challenges and future trends
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The care economy and decent work in Sri Lanka: Opportunities, challenges and future trends

The gender pay gap in Sri Lanka: A statistical review with policy implications
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The gender pay gap in Sri Lanka: A statistical review with policy implications

Ensuring Decent Work and Reducing Vulnerabilities for Women and Children in the Context of Labour Migration in Southeast Asia
Cover page of Project brief Ensuring Decent Work and Reducing Vulnerabilities for Women and Children in the Context of Labour Migration in Southeast Asia

Project brief

Ensuring Decent Work and Reducing Vulnerabilities for Women and Children in the Context of Labour Migration in Southeast Asia

Decent work and responsible business practices in Thailand’s automotive manufacturing sector
Cover of the Decent work and responsible business practices in Thailand’s automotive manufacturing sector

Tripartism and social dialogue

Decent work and responsible business practices in Thailand’s automotive manufacturing sector

This research study provides an in-depth analysis of Thailand's automotive manufacturing supply chain and its status vis-à-vis decent work and responsible business conduct, particularly in the evolving context of global requirements for human rights due diligence. Moreover, the study covers the identification and assessment of key forces and trends impacting the sector, while scrutinizing existing and anticipated challenges within the industry concerning decent work and responsible conduct.

EIIP Afghanistan News Brief, Issue 9
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EIIP Afghanistan News Brief, Issue 9

This brief seeks to share news and information about the activities of the EIIP Afghanistan project. This ILO project, funded by the Special Trust Fund for Afghanistan (STFA), is meant to promote employment and decent work in the Humanitarian- Development-Peace Nexus.

Pooled Funding Arrangements in Lao PDR
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Pooled Funding Arrangements in Lao PDR

This discussion paper describes the context, criteria, and proposals for a social welfare funding mechanism in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic. It also describes international examples for inspiration and further study and can feed into preparatory discussions between the UN system, the Lao Government, and other partners towards the goal of establishing a social welfare funding mechanism.

Social Security Policy Monitor China Issue 15
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Social security

Social Security Policy Monitor China Issue 15

Research study on effectiveness of implementation of sub policy and National Action Plan on Return and Reintegration - 2015
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Research study on effectiveness of implementation of sub policy and National Action Plan on Return and Reintegration - 2015

This research study by the ILO Country Office for Sri Lanka and Maldives commissioned at the request of the Ministry of Labour and Foreign Employment of Sri Lanka, focuses on the experience of Migrant Workers and their families through their return and reintegration journey back to Sri Lanka. It includes the experiences of migrant worker returnees during the COVID 19 pandemic, a time fought with many challenges in servicing returnees for both government and civil society organisations.

Occupational safety and health in skills training – Myanmar (trainer’s manual)
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Occupational safety and health in skills training – Myanmar (trainer’s manual)

The training package is developed under the ILO Safety + Health for All (SHFA) in Myanmar project, aiming to build a preventative safety and health culture by mainstreaming occupational safety and health into education. It supports TVET and skills training institutions in Myanmar in the development and integration of OSH modules into curricula commonly applied to all students.

Occupational safety and health in skills training – Myanmar (student’s handbook)
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Occupational safety and health in skills training – Myanmar (student’s handbook)

The training package is developed under the ILO Safety + Health for All (SHFA) in Myanmar project, aiming to build a preventative safety and health culture by mainstreaming occupational safety and health into education. It supports TVET and skills training institutions in Myanmar in the development and integration of OSH modules into curricula commonly applied to all students.

Occupational safety and health in skills training – Myanmar
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Occupational safety and health in skills training – Myanmar

The training package is developed under the ILO Safety + Health for All (SHFA) in Myanmar project, aiming to build a preventative safety and health culture by mainstreaming occupational safety and health into education. It supports TVET and skills training institutions in Myanmar in the development and integration of OSH modules into curricula commonly applied to all students.

Human-centred approach to increasing workplace productivity: Evidence from Asia
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Human-centred approach to increasing workplace productivity: Evidence from Asia

This book examines emerging signs that human-centered human resource management (HRM) practices increased workplace productivity in four major economies in Asia, namely China, India, Japan and the Republic of Korea.

2023 Social Protection for a Just Transition Policy Brief
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Social security

2023 Social Protection for a Just Transition Policy Brief

This policy brief is part of the ILO Just Transition Policy Briefs series. It provides a clear overview of how social protection can help prevent or address potential adverse effects of climate change and contribute to a just transition by supporting people to meet the new requirements of the world of work – as part of coherent policies in line with the Just Transition Guidelines.

Impact of multiple crises on Sri Lanka’s micro, small and medium-sized enterprises
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Labour market

Impact of multiple crises on Sri Lanka’s micro, small and medium-sized enterprises

This study set out to inform the labour market disruptions caused by the multiple crises do provide for an unprecedented opportunity for the Sri Lankan labour market to reset with a MSME business recovery model at centre stage.