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CPLP-ILO Cooperation
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South-South and Triangular Cooperation

CPLP-ILO Cooperation

The partnership between the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the Community of Portuguese-Speaking Countries (CPLP) is anchored in social justice, particularly Decent Work, and promotes tripartite dialogue along with South- South and Triangular Cooperation (SSTC). For more information about CPLP – ILO cooperation, refer to the South-South Meeting Point platform, which provides the latest updates and relevant documents on this partnership.

Diversity of practices in social dialogue in the public service in selected African countries
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ILO working paper 58

Diversity of practices in social dialogue in the public service in selected African countries

Diversity of practices in social dialogue in the public service in selected African countries
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ILO working paper 58

Diversity of practices in social dialogue in the public service in selected African countries

Diversity of practices in social dialogue in the public service in selected African countries
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ILO working paper 58

Diversity of practices in social dialogue in the public service in selected African countries

Angola: Study on the migration from the informal for formal economy
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Informal economy

Angola: Study on the migration from the informal for formal economy

This report produced by the Bureaux for Employers’ Activities (ACT/EMP) of the ILO with the Angolan Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCIA) is seeking to contribute to design a strategy to enable the gradual transition from the informal to the formal economy in Angola

Ten Year Action Plan on the Eradication of Child Labour, Forced Labour, Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery In Africa (2020-2030): Agenda 2063-SDG Target 8.7
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Ten Year Action Plan on the Eradication of Child Labour, Forced Labour, Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery In Africa (2020-2030): Agenda 2063-SDG Target 8.7

The Action Plan seeks to contribute to and support the acceleration of progress towards the achievement of the Agenda 2063 – SDG 8.7 target. This involves ending child labour by 2025 and forced labour, human trafficking and modern slavery by 2030. The target population are children, women and men who are victims of or vulnerable to the forms of exploitation addressed by the Agenda 2063 - SDG 8.7 target.

Technical cooperation activities to Combat Child Labour in Portuguese Speaking Countries in Africa, Brazil and Timor-Leste (CPLP): Public-Private Partnership
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Technical cooperation activities to Combat Child Labour in Portuguese Speaking Countries in Africa, Brazil and Timor-Leste (CPLP): Public-Private Partnership

In the framework of this programme, the Caixa Geral de Depósitos (CGD) agreed with ILO Lisbon to fund technical cooperation activities to combat child labour in CPLP countries in 2010. Its contribution was used to cofinance other IPEC-related activities in those countries. The goal was to ensure greater coherence between national plans and social dialogue mechanisms to combat child labour and share good practices.

Independent Evaluation of Outcome 17: Gender Mainstreaming with the support of Sweden and Norway Partnership Agreements (Final Evaluation Summary)
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Independent Evaluation of Outcome 17: Gender Mainstreaming with the support of Sweden and Norway Partnership Agreements (Final Evaluation Summary)

Projects: GLO/11/58/SID; GLO/12/50/NOR; GLO/12/53/NOR Evaluation Consultant:Dr. Jane Hailé

Workers and Employers from Portuguese-speaking countries adopt Brasilia Declaration on combating child labour through South-South cooperation
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Workers and Employers from Portuguese-speaking countries adopt Brasilia Declaration on combating child labour through South-South cooperation

Representatives from the Business Confederation of the CPLP (CE-CPLP) and the Confederation of Trade Unions of the Portuguese-speaking Countries (CSPLP), signed the Brasilia Bipartite Declaration in August 2013 reaffirming the commitment of the workers' and employers' organizations to combat child labour in the CPLP sphere.

Tackling child labour through education (TACKLE) (Final External Evaluation Summary)
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Tackling child labour through education (TACKLE) (Final External Evaluation Summary)

Project: INT/05/24/EEC Evaluation Consultants: Mr. Seán J. Burke, Dr. Bernardita Cárdenas, Gaspar Estevao, Joycelyn T. Williams, Ruth Jankee, Dr. John Mugo, Désiré Razafindrazaka, Bengaly Abraham, Tracy-Ann Shields, Kombah Pessima, Samia Nihar, Joan Teria, Elizabeth Jere

Study on the application of ILO Conventions No. 138 and No. 182 and its recommendations on the national legislation of the CPLP countries
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Study on the application of ILO Conventions No. 138 and No. 182 and its recommendations on the national legislation of the CPLP countries

This study aims to analyze the application of ILO Conventions Nos. 138 and 182 in different national policies and plans adopted by the Member States of the CPLP.

Governance of water and sanitation in Angola’s poor neighbourhoods (Final Joint Evaluation Summary)
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Governance of water and sanitation in Angola’s poor neighbourhoods (Final Joint Evaluation Summary)

Project ANG/09/50/UND - Donor for this Joint Project is the Millennium Development Goals Achievement Fund Total Budget: US$7,600,000 UNICEF (lead): USD 3,750,000; ILO: USD 250,000; IOM: USD 1,150,000; UNDP: 2,450,000

Gender equality in the world of work in Angola, Brazil, China, India and South Africa (BASIC Project) (Final Evaluation Summary)
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Gender equality in the world of work in Angola, Brazil, China, India and South Africa (BASIC Project) (Final Evaluation Summary)

Project INT/09/61/NOR - Evaluation consultants: Julian Walker; with contributions from: Nadia Taher and Claudy Vouhé

Strengthening labour inspection services (Final Evaluation Summary)
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Strengthening labour inspection services (Final Evaluation Summary)

Project INT/09/62/NOR - Evaluation consultant: Karstein Haarberg

Tackling child labour through education (TACKLE) (Midterm Evaluation Summary)
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Tackling child labour through education (TACKLE) (Midterm Evaluation Summary)

Project INT/05/24/EEC - Evaluation team: Mr. Seán J. Burke, Dr. Bernardita Cárdenas, Mr. Gaspar Estevao, Ms. Joycelyn T. Williams, Ms. Ruth Jankee, Dr. John Mugo, Mr. Désiré Razafindrazaka, Mr. Bengaly Abraham, Ms. Tracy-Ann Shields, Mr. Kombah Pessima, Mr. Samia Nihar, Ms. Joan Teria, Ms. Elizabeth Jere

Mobilizing Action on the Protection of Domestic Workers from Forced Labour and Trafficking (Final Evaluation Summary)
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Mobilizing Action on the Protection of Domestic Workers from Forced Labour and Trafficking (Final Evaluation Summary)

Project RAS/03/53/UKM

Round table discussion on the Ministerial Declaration and Plan of Action against child labour of the Community of Portuguese speaking countries
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Round table discussion on the Ministerial Declaration and Plan of Action against child labour of the Community of Portuguese speaking countries

International Labour ConferencePalais des Nations - Geneva8 June 200618:15 - 19:45

Building entrepreneurial capacity for returnee and refugee women in Angola and Mozambique
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Building entrepreneurial capacity for returnee and refugee women in Angola and Mozambique

ILO-UNHCR Partnership through Technical Cooperation

Capacity building for Employment Creation and Economic Empowerment through ILO’s Local Economic Development Approach in Mozambique, South Africa and Angola (Final Evaluation Summary)
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Capacity building for Employment Creation and Economic Empowerment through ILO’s Local Economic Development Approach in Mozambique, South Africa and Angola (Final Evaluation Summary)

Project RAF/04/53/NET

ILO/Swiss Project for regional conflict management and enterprise-based competitiveness development (Mid-term Evaluation Summary)
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ILO/Swiss Project for regional conflict management and enterprise-based competitiveness development (Mid-term Evaluation Summary)

Project RAF/03/04/SWI