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Insights into ILO Formalize Your Business in Côte d'Ivoire, The Gambia and Senegal
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Insights into ILO Formalize Your Business in Côte d'Ivoire, The Gambia and Senegal

Key learnings from trainers and entrepreneurs

Understanding informality and child labour in sub-Saharan Africa
Understanding informality and child labour in sub-Saharan Africa [Cover]

Understanding informality and child labour in sub-Saharan Africa

This study examines the interrelationship of child labour and informality in 22 sub-Saharan countries.

Learner’s Handbook: Formalize Your Business in the Gambia
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Learner’s Handbook: Formalize Your Business in the Gambia

Trainer's Guide: Formalize Your Business in the Gambia
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Trainer's Guide: Formalize Your Business in the Gambia

Ten Year Action Plan on the Eradication of Child Labour, Forced Labour, Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery In Africa (2020-2030): Agenda 2063-SDG Target 8.7
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Ten Year Action Plan on the Eradication of Child Labour, Forced Labour, Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery In Africa (2020-2030): Agenda 2063-SDG Target 8.7

The Action Plan seeks to contribute to and support the acceleration of progress towards the achievement of the Agenda 2063 – SDG 8.7 target. This involves ending child labour by 2025 and forced labour, human trafficking and modern slavery by 2030. The target population are children, women and men who are victims of or vulnerable to the forms of exploitation addressed by the Agenda 2063 - SDG 8.7 target.

Papua New Guinea Project Brief
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EIIP Project Brief

Papua New Guinea Project Brief

This project brief describes the Employment-Intensive Recovery and Reconstruction Response (E3R) project to mitigate the impact of a series of 7.5 and a 6.7 magnitude that hit the Highlands of Papua New Guinea, between the 26 of February and 8 of March 2019. By using a local-resource based strategy, the ILO was able to assist successfully in the construction of gravity fed water supply systems and contribute to the transition towards livelihoods recovery.

Migration and job creation in North/West Africa: Employment-intensive investment strategies in The Gambia, Mauritania, and Tunisia
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Employment Policy Brief

Migration and job creation in North/West Africa: Employment-intensive investment strategies in The Gambia, Mauritania, and Tunisia

This note explains how the ILO supports its constituents, particularly the countries of the origin of migrants, in addressing migration issues through job creation with the EIIP approach, with concrete examples from the ILO’s experiences in The Gambia, Mauritania, and Tunisia.

Recent trends in average wages, gender pay gaps and wage disparities
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Wages in Africa

Recent trends in average wages, gender pay gaps and wage disparities

This publication depicts the evolution of real average wages since the global economic crisis of 2008, offering insights into the economic context for Africa and also presenting an overview of existing wage disparities within countries, including those related to gender.

Decent Work Country Programme : The Gambia 2015- 2017
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Decent Work Country Programme : The Gambia 2015- 2017

The Gambia DWCP 2015-2017 programme remains a relevant programming tool to address social and economic issues as well as a key element to achieving job rich inclusive and sustainable growth.

The twin challenges of child labour and educational marginalisation in the ECOWAS region - An overview
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The twin challenges of child labour and educational marginalisation in the ECOWAS region - An overview

As part of the efforts to address the present urgent situation, Governments and regional institutions have developed the ECOWAS Child Policy and the accompanying Strategic Plan of Action for the ECOWAS Child Policy, as well as the West Africa Regional Action Plan to Eliminate Child Labour (and especially its Worst Forms) and the Accra Declaration of the ECOWAS-ILO Symposium on West Africa Regional Action Plan which signal the national intent to eliminate child labour and provide an essential framework for efforts to achieve this goal. This Report was produced to help translate these plans into concrete actions. It is specifically aimed at building the evidence base necessary for the design and targeting of specific interventions against child labour. It brings together the most recent available information from a variety of national household surveys to provide a detailed picture of child labour and the related challenge of educational marginalisation in the ECOWAS region.

ECOWAS Regional Action Plan for the elimination of Child Labour - Especially the worst forms (Second version - including Accra Simposium Declaration May 2013)
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ECOWAS Regional Action Plan for the elimination of Child Labour - Especially the worst forms (Second version - including Accra Simposium Declaration May 2013)

The current ECOWAS Regional Action Plan for the Elimination of Child Labour aims at ensuring that children are shielded from activities that are detrimental to their physical, social or psychological well-being.

The Gambia Labour Force Survey (GLFS 2012)
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The Gambia Labour Force Survey (GLFS 2012)

The 2012 Labour Force Survey is geared towards providing labour market indicators to assist in policy and decision making at the macro and micro level. Indicators produced would also be helpful in monitoring the labour market, mainstreaming of employment in national development agenda such as the PAGE, Vision 2020 and international targets such as the MDGs.

Examining constitutional, legislative and administration provisions concerning indigenous and tribal peoples in Africa - Banjul, The Gambia
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Examining constitutional, legislative and administration provisions concerning indigenous and tribal peoples in Africa - Banjul, The Gambia

Research findings workshop : workshop report

Building the Case for Business Collaboration on Youth Employment: Good Practice from West Africa
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Building the Case for Business Collaboration on Youth Employment: Good Practice from West Africa

This report, which examines eight case studies of intersectoral partnership on youth employment, illustrates the importance of collective action to build partnerships between public and private insitutions, harnessing each of their core capabilities and recognising that they are critical to each others capacity.