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ILO Caribbean NewsLink September 2022
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ILO Caribbean NewsLink September 2022

In this issue: The development of Suriname's Third Decent Work Country Programme (DWCP) is in motion; Suriname’s new national midterm labour market policy (2022-2025) launched and more.

2021 Labour Overview, Latin America and the Caribbean - Executive Summary
Cover for 2021 Labour Overview, Latin America and the Caribbean - Executive Summary

Labour Overview series for Latin America and the Caribbean 2021

2021 Labour Overview, Latin America and the Caribbean - Executive Summary

The 2021 Employment Outlook describes a mixed bag scenario for employment and suggests that pre-pandemic levels will be reached by 2023 or even 2024.

Hurricanes and their implications for unemployment: Evidence from the Caribbean
Cover for publication ILO Working Paper 26: Hurricanes and their implications for unemployment: Evidence from the Caribbean

ILO Working Paper 26

Hurricanes and their implications for unemployment: Evidence from the Caribbean

Although extreme climate events pose significant challenges to labour markets, there is a paucity of empirical literature studying their impacts. The aim of the study is to investigate the impact of hurricane strikes on unemployment across a sample of Caribbean countries. In breaking down the unemployment data, our findings demonstrate that there is very little difference in the impact for adult males and females as well as male youth, however female youth may be slightly more disadvantaged. Finally, labour legislation appears to provide some mitigating impact from hurricane strikes.

Tourism sector in the English- and Dutch-speaking Caribbean. An overview and the impact of COVID-19 on growth and employment
Cover for publication Tourism sector in the English- and Dutch-speaking Caribbean. An overview and the impact of COVID-19 on growth and employment

COVID-19 and the world of work

Tourism sector in the English- and Dutch-speaking Caribbean. An overview and the impact of COVID-19 on growth and employment

The tourism sector is the major source of revenue and jobs in the Caribbean region, and the key or one of the main sustainability oriented pillars for virtually all mid- and long-term national development strategies. The COVID-19 induced collapse of this sector is therefore an important factor behind projections of negative economic growth for the region for 2020. This report seeks to assess and, where possible, quantify this impact of COVID-19 on employment in the tourism industries in the region.

Practical guidelines for developing and implementing workplace policies and programmes on HIV and AIDS
Cover for publication Practical guidelines for developing and implementing workplace policies and programmes on HIV and AIDS

Practical guidelines for developing and implementing workplace policies and programmes on HIV and AIDS

Based on ILO experiences in the English- and Dutch-speaking Caribbean Countries

The ILO mandate and programme of work related to Small Island Developing States
Cover for ILO mandate and programme of work related to Small Island Developing States

The ILO mandate and programme of work related to Small Island Developing States

Decent Work in Caribbean Small Island Developing States
Cover for Decent Work in Caribbean Small Island Developing States

Decent Work in Caribbean Small Island Developing States

The paper identifies some of the key challenges affecting Caribbean SIDS and explores the responses for solving these issues.

Decent Work Country Programme - OECS
Cover for publication Decent Work Country Programme - OECS 2010

Decent Work Country Programme - OECS

This Decent Work Programme (DWP) applies to full members of the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS).