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Ten Year Action Plan on the Eradication of Child Labour, Forced Labour, Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery In Africa (2020-2030): Agenda 2063-SDG Target 8.7
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Ten Year Action Plan on the Eradication of Child Labour, Forced Labour, Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery In Africa (2020-2030): Agenda 2063-SDG Target 8.7

The Action Plan seeks to contribute to and support the acceleration of progress towards the achievement of the Agenda 2063 – SDG 8.7 target. This involves ending child labour by 2025 and forced labour, human trafficking and modern slavery by 2030. The target population are children, women and men who are victims of or vulnerable to the forms of exploitation addressed by the Agenda 2063 - SDG 8.7 target.

Report on employment in Africa (Re-Africa): Tackling the youth employment challenge
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Report on employment in Africa (Re-Africa): Tackling the youth employment challenge

This report provides vital information on employment and social trends in Africa, with a focus on youth employment. The 2020 edition of the report offers a good overview of African labour markets, examining the dynamics of the continent’s world of work and projecting future trends.

Recent trends in average wages, gender pay gaps and wage disparities
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Wages in Africa

Recent trends in average wages, gender pay gaps and wage disparities

This publication depicts the evolution of real average wages since the global economic crisis of 2008, offering insights into the economic context for Africa and also presenting an overview of existing wage disparities within countries, including those related to gender.

Social protection for migrants workers and their families in ECOWAS states - The ECOWAS general convention on social security
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Social protection for migrants workers and their families in ECOWAS states - The ECOWAS general convention on social security

Social protection for migrants workers and their families in ECOWAS states
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Social protection for migrants workers and their families in ECOWAS states

World of Work
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World of Work

The ILO at 100

Establishing Day Care Centres in the Private Sector
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Impact brief, Issue 15

Establishing Day Care Centres in the Private Sector

Ministry of Labour, Jordan

Maharat Training for Employment
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Impact brief, Issue 14

Maharat Training for Employment

Business Development Center, Jordan

Trade Accelerator for Young Entrepreneurs in Morocco
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Impact brief, Issue 12

Trade Accelerator for Young Entrepreneurs in Morocco

International Trade Centre, Morocco

Fostering employment through business support to young entrepreneurs in Lebanon
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Impact brief, Issue 13

Fostering employment through business support to young entrepreneurs in Lebanon


Fostering employment through business support to young entrepreneurs in Lebanon
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Impact brief, Issue 13

Fostering employment through business support to young entrepreneurs in Lebanon


Realizing Innovation through Social Entrepreneurship
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Impact brief, Issue 16

Realizing Innovation through Social Entrepreneurship

RISE Egypt

Tomouh: A New Loan Product for Micro and Small-Sized Enterprises
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Impact brief, Issue 11

Tomouh: A New Loan Product for Micro and Small-Sized Enterprises

Alexandria Business Association, Egypt

Trade Accelerator for Young Entrepreneurs in Morocco
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Impact brief, Issue 12

Trade Accelerator for Young Entrepreneurs in Morocco

International Trade Centre, Morocco

Maharat Training for Employment
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Impact brief, Issue 14

Maharat Training for Employment

Business Development Center, Jordan

Promoting women’s empowerment in the Middle East and North Africa: A rapid evidence assessment of labour market interventions
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Impact brief, Issue 9

Promoting women’s empowerment in the Middle East and North Africa: A rapid evidence assessment of labour market interventions

The Taqeem Impact Brief Series documents how organizations measure outcomes of their employment programmes, the tools that are applied and the findings and recommendations that emerge to assist them in improving impacts and programme design. This rapid evidence assessment analyses gender equality outcomes of Active Labour Market Programmes in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA).

ILO DWT/Co- Cairo: 2014/15 Annual Report
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ILO DWT/Co- Cairo: 2014/15 Annual Report

Presents the results of the ILO activities in Egypt and Algiers Offices in 2014

Independent evaluation of the ILO's Decent Work Country Programme Strategies and Activities in North Africa 2010-2013
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Independent evaluation of the ILO's Decent Work Country Programme Strategies and Activities in North Africa 2010-2013

This high-level evaluation (HLE) is the first cluster evaluation of the ILO’s decent work strategies and activities in the North African sub region. The evaluation assesses the Office’s support to the Governments and social partners in Algeria, Egypt, Eritrea, Libya, Morocco, South Sudan, Sudan and Tunisia in their efforts to address decent work deficits. This has involved the evaluation of sub regional strategic priorities, country strategies and “roadmaps,” technical cooperation (TC) projects and technical assistance (TA) activities carried out during 2010–13. The overarching question of the evaluation is whether ILO strategies and actions have effectively supported national constituents’ priorities and efforts to fill decent work gaps.

Independent evaluation of the ILO's Decent Work Country Programme Strategies and Activities in North Africa 2010-2013 - Volume II
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Independent evaluation of the ILO's Decent Work Country Programme Strategies and Activities in North Africa 2010-2013 - Volume II

Contains the annexes of case studies on Algeria, Egypt, Eritrea, Libya, Morocco, South Sudan, Sudan and Tunisia.

ILO DWT/Co- Cairo: 2013/14 Annual Report
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ILO DWT/Co- Cairo: 2013/14 Annual Report

Presents the results of the ILO activities in North Africa, Egypt, Eritrea, Sudan and South Sudan in 2013