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ILO Technical Note: The state of application of the provisions for social security of the international treaties on social rights ratified by the ICELAND
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ILO Technical Note

ILO Technical Note: The state of application of the provisions for social security of the international treaties on social rights ratified by the ICELAND

Corporate Social Responsibility in International Trade and Investment Agreements: Implications for States, Business and Workers
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ILO Research paper No. 13

Corporate Social Responsibility in International Trade and Investment Agreements: Implications for States, Business and Workers

This paper assesses the reference to CSR commitments in trade and investment agreements and finds that CSR language is relatively weak in terms of obligation, precision and delegation. Emphasising the potential to use the mechanisms that are provided in these agreements to activate and follow-up CSR commitments, it looks at what the implications could be for states, business and workers, and the potential ILO involvement.

Nordic countries and multinational enterprises: Employment effects and foreign direct investment
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Nordic countries and multinational enterprises: Employment effects and foreign direct investment

Multinational Enterprises Programme Working Paper No. 57