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Integrated approaches for formalization in Asia and the Pacific
Cover of the Integrated approaches for formalization in Asia and the Pacific

Integrated approaches for formalization in Asia and the Pacific

This report highlights why the multi-faceted dimensions of informality demand an integrated approach to formalization, outlines the nature of an integrated approach to employment formalization, reviews the extent that countries in Asia and the Pacific are applying integrated approaches to formalization, and provides examples and an action-oriented outline for advancing integrated approaches to formalization in the region.

Republic of Korea-ILO Cooperation
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Republic of Korea-ILO Cooperation

Fact-Sheet, July 2023

Technology in public employment services to promote youth employment in Asia and the Pacific
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Youth employment

Technology in public employment services to promote youth employment in Asia and the Pacific

This report provides insights into how public employment services in Asia-Pacific are digitally transforming and how they are using technology to support youth in the labour market.

Republic of Korea - Technology in public employment services to promote youth employment
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Youth employment

Republic of Korea - Technology in public employment services to promote youth employment

This country profile on technology in public employment services (PES) for youth is part of the ILO (2023) report on Technology in public employment services to promote youth employment in Asia and the Pacific. The report provides insights into how PES in Asia-Pacific are digitally transforming and how they are using technology to support youth in the labour market.

A Review of Wage Setting through Collective Bargaining
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A Review of Wage Setting through Collective Bargaining

Independent Final Cluster Evaluation - ILO/Korea Partnership Programme funded projects in ASEAN, Cambodia and Lao PDR (2021-2023)
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Independent Final Cluster Evaluation - ILO/Korea Partnership Programme funded projects in ASEAN, Cambodia and Lao PDR (2021-2023)

The ILO Evaluation Office is seeking expressions of interest from a team of consultants (international team leader and national consultants based in Cambodia and Lao PDR) to conduct an independent final Cluster evaluation of “The 2021 – 2023 ILO/Korea Partnership Programme funded projects in Cambodia Lao PDR, and ASEAN”. <p> The deadline to submit expressions of interest for the evaluation is by 5.00 pm (Bangkok time) on Wednesday, 30 May 2023. <p> Please send an e-mail with the subject header “Evaluation of ILO/Korea Partnership Projects” to the Evaluation Manager, Ms Rattanaporn Poungpattana ( and copied to Ms Pamornrat Pringsulaka (

Old-age labour market transition and poverty in Korea
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Background paper n.14

Old-age labour market transition and poverty in Korea

This study makes use of KLIPS (Korea Labour Income and Panel Study) data from 2001 to 2019 to categorise changes in the labour market status of the elderly in their 50s and 60s in Korea, and compares trends and changes in demographic characteristics, income, and poverty by type (of labour market participation). Results of such a labour trajectory classification suggest that there are various paths other than the traditional path of retaining a primary job until retirement age and then retiring in time for the old-age pension.

Republic of Korea: The Employment - Environment - Climate Nexus: Employment and environmental sustainability factsheet
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Green jobs

Republic of Korea: The Employment - Environment - Climate Nexus: Employment and environmental sustainability factsheet

The Employment-Environment-Climate Nexus Factsheets are a series produced for countries in the Asia-Pacific region. This Factsheet provides key features of labour market and environmental sustainability performance in the Republic of Korea, as well as vulnerability to climate change and sectors with green jobs potential.

Digital solutions and formalization: E-formalization case study on Republic of Korea
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Digital solutions and formalization: E-formalization case study on Republic of Korea

This report documents the pathway that the Republic of Korea has taken in the design, implementation and adaptation of its digital governance systems and related applications as they relate specifically to labour market formalization.

Extending social health protection: Accelerating progress towards Universal Health Coverage in Asia and the Pacific
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Social protection

Extending social health protection: Accelerating progress towards Universal Health Coverage in Asia and the Pacific

This regional report documents and analyses country experiences and lessons on the extension of social health protection coverage in the Asia and the Pacific region. It provides a detailed account of progress made, challenges encountered and remaining coverage gaps, and explores their root causes.

Development and formalization in Asia: Insights from Japan, Republic of Korea and Singapore
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Development and formalization in Asia: Insights from Japan, Republic of Korea and Singapore

This report examines the historical socio-economic pathways that facilitated the creation of labour markets that were dominantly formal in nature in three advanced economies – Japan, Republic of Korea and Singapore. The case studies emphasize the complementarities between national political economy and labour market dynamics and draws lessons, where possible, for the emerging economies of today that strive to accelerate the closing of formality gaps.

Mapping the Social and Solidarity Economy Landscape in Asia Spotlight on Republic of Korea
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Mapping the Social and Solidarity Economy Landscape in Asia Spotlight on Republic of Korea

This brief is part of the series “Mapping the Social and Solidarity Economy Landscape in Asia” that presents the SSE landscape for six countries in Asia, policy challenges and preliminary pathways for strengthening SSE in the region. The research is part of the ILO project “Strengthening Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) Policy in Asia,” implemented in partnership with the Korea Social Enterprise Promotion Agency (KoSEA) and supported by the Korean Ministry of Employment and Labour (MOEL). This brief is focused on the Republic of Korea.

Financial mechanisms for innovative social and solidarity economy ecosystems: The case of the Republic of Korea
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Financial mechanisms for innovative social and solidarity economy ecosystems: The case of the Republic of Korea

This paper is organised into four sections. The first section describes the social and solidarity economy (SSE) ecosystem in the Republic of Korea, with a focus on its roots and drivers, the main actors and stakeholders involved and the policy framework that regulates it. The second section examines the main financial mechanisms available to SSE organisations in the country, analysing their features and providing specific examples. The third section looks at the impact of the COVID-19 crisis, both in terms of its effects on SSE organisations and the potential role of the SSE in recovery efforts.

Project Fact Sheet: Supporting the Implementation of Sustainable Social Protection Floors for Workers and their Families in ASEAN – Phase III
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Project brief

Project Fact Sheet: Supporting the Implementation of Sustainable Social Protection Floors for Workers and their Families in ASEAN – Phase III

The project is a continued partnership between the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the Government of Korea through the Ministry of Employment and Labor (MOEL). This project focuses on creating conditions in the target country and the region to gradually build comprehensive sustainable social protection systems for all by increasing the system coverage and increasing its effectiveness and efficiency. In addition, it also develops activities to increase countries’ understanding and increased awareness on the importance of social protection.

Making decent work a reality for domestic workers: Progress and prospects in Asia and the Pacific, ten years after the adoption of the Domestic Workers Convention, 2011 (No. 189)
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Domestic workers

Making decent work a reality for domestic workers: Progress and prospects in Asia and the Pacific, ten years after the adoption of the Domestic Workers Convention, 2011 (No. 189)

In 2011, the international community adopted the ILO’s Domestic Workers Convention, 2011 (No. 189), which recognized for the first time that domestic work is work and that domestic workers should enjoy the same labour protections as all other workers.

Promoting fair and ethical recruitment in a digital world
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Promoting fair and ethical recruitment in a digital world

This joint report by the ILO and the International Organization for Migration (IOM) explores innovative state-facilitated digital technology platforms from four different contexts, with a focus on the Employment Permit System of the Republic of Korea, Musaned from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, eMigrate from the Republic of India and the European Network of Employment Services.

Extending social protection to the cultural and creative sector
Extending social protection to the cultural and creative sector - Cover

Social Protection Spotlight

Extending social protection to the cultural and creative sector

Workers in the cultural and creative sector often lack effective access to social protection.

Social Protection in the Cultural and Creative Sector - Country Practices and Innovations
ILO Workin Paper 28 - Social Protection in the Cultural and Creative Sector - Country Practices and Innovations - Cover

ILO working paper 28

Social Protection in the Cultural and Creative Sector - Country Practices and Innovations

Social Protection in the Cultural and Creative Sector. Country Practices and Innovations
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ILO working paper 28

Social Protection in the Cultural and Creative Sector. Country Practices and Innovations

Social Protection in the Cultural and Creative Sector. Country Practices and Innovations
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ILO working paper 28

Social Protection in the Cultural and Creative Sector. Country Practices and Innovations