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Newsletter #4 - December 2023
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Newsletter #4 - December 2023

Newsletter #3 - October 2023
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Newsletter #3 - October 2023

Newsletter #2 - June 2023
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Newsletter #2 - June 2023

Newsletter #1 - April 2023
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Newsletter #1 - April 2023

Newsletter #4 - December 2022
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Newsletter #4 - December 2022

Improving coordination of social protection and employment service delivery in Armenia and Tajikistan. Guide
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Improving coordination of social protection and employment service delivery in Armenia and Tajikistan. Guide

The Guide aims to assist the Republic of Armenia and the Republic of Tajikistan to build up integrated case management. Integrated case management is understood as an innovative practice which is employed collectively especially by respective agents of employment and social security to serve the most vulnerable with all available resources from both the labour market and the social protection system, and even beyond. The Guide recommends the setting up of integrated case management systems that are embedded in partnership structures.

Managing Cases and Case Managers: Technical Assistance “Improving coordination of social protection and employment service delivery in Armenia”. Instructions.
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Managing Cases and Case Managers: Technical Assistance “Improving coordination of social protection and employment service delivery in Armenia”. Instructions.

The Instructions have been drafted based on the specific request of the Armenian Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs and aim to assist the implementation of new processes for integrated policy approaches in Armenia. The instruments presented in this paper build on tools and procedures applied in various countries within Europe and beyond. The implementation of instruments in Armenia should contribute to the operationalisation of integrated approaches and should raise the quality of support services provided. The Instructions are regarded as integral part of other products developed within the project such as the Guide and the Assessment Report Armenia.

Managing Cases and Case Managers: Technical Assistance “Improving coordination of social protection and employment service delivery in Armenia”. Instructions. (in the Armenian language)
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Managing Cases and Case Managers: Technical Assistance “Improving coordination of social protection and employment service delivery in Armenia”. Instructions. (in the Armenian language)

The Instructions have been drafted based on the specific request of the Armenian Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs and aim to assist the implementation of new processes for integrated policy approaches in Armenia. The instruments presented in this paper build on tools and procedures applied in various countries within Europe and beyond. The implementation of instruments in Armenia should contribute to the operationalisation of integrated approaches and should raise the quality of support services provided. The Instructions are regarded as integral part of other products developed within the project such as the Guide and the Assessment Report Armenia.

Improving coordination of social protection and employment service delivery in Armenia and Tajikistan. Guide (in the Armenian language)
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Improving coordination of social protection and employment service delivery in Armenia and Tajikistan. Guide (in the Armenian language)

The Guide aims to assist the Republic of Armenia and the Republic of Tajikistan to build up integrated case management. Integrated case management is understood as an innovative practice which is employed collectively especially by respective agents of employment and social security to serve the most vulnerable with all available resources from both the labour market and the social protection system, and even beyond. The Guide recommends the setting up of integrated case management systems that are embedded in partnership structures.

Newsletter #3 - October 2022
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Newsletter #3 - October 2022

Newsletter #2 - June 2022
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Newsletter #2 - June 2022

Newsletter #1 -March 2022
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Newsletter #1 -March 2022

Post Covid-19 EESE assessment of MSME trends and policies in Armenia
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Post Covid-19 EESE assessment of MSME trends and policies in Armenia

Republican Union of Employers of Armenia (RUEA), in line with its mandate to contribute to the development of a conducive environment for enterprises in Armenia, has called upon the ILO to assist the organization to assess the follow up analyses of the business environment in the country focusing on two specific topics – taxation system in Armenia, and Export, FDI and FDI-SME linkages.

A review of national career development support systems
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A review of national career development support systems

This report synthesises the results of national career development support system reviews in Armenia, Moldova, Panama and Viet Nam.

Newsletter #4 - December 2021
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Newsletter #4 - December 2021

Reserch paper Assessment of the Social Protection Floor in Armenia
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Reserch paper Assessment of the Social Protection Floor in Armenia

The assessment of a social protection system in the Armenia was carried out by UN Women in collaboration with the ILO Decent Work Technical Support Team and Country Office for Eastern Europe and Central Asia. It applied lifecycle perspective using social security standards ILO Social Protection Floors Recommendation No. 202 (2012); and Social Security (Minimum Standards) Convention No. 102 (1952) as benchmarks when analysing national system. The assessment identifies areas that need to be strengthened to build comprehensive and adequate programmes with particular attention to gender equality and reiterates the importance of national social protection floors to protect people in case of different risks across the lifecycle and covariate shocks. The publication was prepared with the support of UN Women, in the framework of the project “Women’s Economic Empowerment in the South Caucasus”, funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and the Austrian Development Cooperation (ADC).

Newsletter #3 - October 2021
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Newsletter #3 - October 2021

Newsletter #2 - Juny 2021
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Newsletter #2 - Juny 2021

Newsletter #1 - March 2021
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Newsletter #1 - March 2021

Newsletter #4 - December 2020
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Newsletter #4 - December 2020