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ILO support to Nationally Determined contributions Antigua and Barbuda Just Transition
Two men inspection solar panels at a solar power station

ILO support to Nationally Determined contributions Antigua and Barbuda Just Transition

The project aims at supporting Antigua & Barbuda in the realisation of its Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) target to transition to a fossil-free nation in an equitable and inclusive manner, thereby, providing direct technical support to the country to ensure a just transition of its workforce. The project is funded by UNDP Climate Promise Programme.

Caribbean Virtual Policy Network on Youth Education and Employment (VPNYEE) Initiative
A young black carpenter taking measurements and looking at wood

Youth Employment

Caribbean Virtual Policy Network on Youth Education and Employment (VPNYEE) Initiative

The Initiative's primary goal is to help countries and stakeholders specify and understand which public policy interventions effectively support youth employment. It also aspires to put youth employment at the center of the national policy discourse through the promotion of well-informed and evidence-based practices as well as through the creation of a Caribbean led community of practice.

EU Support to facilitate participation of CARIFORUM Civil Society in the Regional Development and Integration Process: Challenges to CARIFORUM Labour, Private Sector and Employers to fulfil their EPA Obligations
A mixed race man, aged 45-50, at wheel of fork lift truck in a paper warehouse

Social Dialogue

EU Support to facilitate participation of CARIFORUM Civil Society in the Regional Development and Integration Process: Challenges to CARIFORUM Labour, Private Sector and Employers to fulfil their EPA Obligations

A programme to enhance the capacities of the CEC and CCL with a view to their fulfilling their obligations with respect to the implementation of the Economic Partnership Agreement.

ILO Programme on Occupational Safety and Health and the Environment in the Caribbean
A safety hat with a series of virtual overlays depicting a network

Occupational Safety and Health

ILO Programme on Occupational Safety and Health and the Environment in the Caribbean

The Programme to support governments as well as employers' and workers' organizations in their efforts to improve OSH at the enterprise and national levels and to contribute to environmental sustainability of Small Island Developing States.

Developing an OSH promotional culture in small island developing states
Placeholder image

Developing an OSH promotional culture in small island developing states

Increasing the capacity of constituents to develop and implement laws, policies and programmes for improving OSH and contributing to environmental protection measures

Harmonization of Labour Legislation in ILO Member States in the English- and Dutch-speaking Caribbean
Lawyer working with on a laptop with a virtual overlay of legal services

Labour Legislation

Harmonization of Labour Legislation in ILO Member States in the English- and Dutch-speaking Caribbean

To review national labour legislation, in the areas of the four CARICOM agreed model labour legislation.

Development of the Caribbean Labour Market Information System (CLMIS)
A group of diverse colleagues working together in an office

Development of the Caribbean Labour Market Information System (CLMIS)

To develop and strengthen national labour market information systems that would generate reliable, timely and internationally-comparable labour statistics for use by government policy-makers, employers and trade unionists.

Combating the Worst Forms of Child Labour in the Caribbean
A young child labourer holding a bucket on a construction site

Child Labour

Combating the Worst Forms of Child Labour in the Caribbean

Protect our children. Stop child labour