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Trade for Decent Work Project
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Trade for Decent Work Project

The project aims at improving the application of the ILO fundamental Conventions in EU trading partner countries through improved labour relations and working conditions.

Combating the Worst Forms of Child Labour in Lusophone Countries in Africa (PALOP) Project
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Child labour: PALOP Project

Combating the Worst Forms of Child Labour in Lusophone Countries in Africa (PALOP) Project

Eliminating child labour in Lusophone countries Project
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Lusophone Project

Eliminating child labour in Lusophone countries Project

Paving the way for the application to the principles of the MNE Declaration in the fish-processing and tourism sectors in Cape Verde
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Paving the way for the application to the principles of the MNE Declaration in the fish-processing and tourism sectors in Cape Verde

National and sectoral approaches are put in place to promote the MNE Declaration and encourage the uptake of its principles. Experience-sharing with other Portuguese-speaking countries such as Mozambique and Portugal are contributing to this process.