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Promoting Implementation of Labour Rights in Armenia Together
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Promoting Implementation of Labour Rights in Armenia Together

Integrated policy response on employment and social protection in the context of COVID-19 crisis mitigation and recovery, supported by social dialogue
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Integrated policy response on employment and social protection in the context of COVID-19 crisis mitigation and recovery, supported by social dialogue

Due to this project the capacity of constituents to implement international labour standards on employment (Convention 122) and social protection (Convention 102, Recommendation 202) through social dialogue and design and delivery of integrated employment and social protection policies will be increased.

Applying the G20 Training Strategy: A Partnership of the ILO and the Russian Federation (Phase 2)
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Partnership of the ILO and the Russian Federation

Applying the G20 Training Strategy: A Partnership of the ILO and the Russian Federation (Phase 2)

The ultimate goal of the project is to strengthen national Skills Development systems, policies and strategies to enhance employment opportunities for both women and men. In particular the Project will address a number of key challenges that the TVET system is currently facing on a policy and institutional level.

Global research on child labour measurement and policy development (MAP) Project
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Child labour

Global research on child labour measurement and policy development (MAP) Project

Development of a comprehensive anti-trafficking response in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia - Second Phase
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Development of a comprehensive anti-trafficking response in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia - Second Phase

The project seeks to contribute to the progressive reduction of trafficking in human beings in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia through capacity building and provision of protection and assistance to actual and potential victims.

Decent Work Country Programme for the Republic of Armenia 2007 - 2011
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Decent Work Country Programme

Decent Work Country Programme for the Republic of Armenia 2007 - 2011

The Decent Work Country Programme in the Republic of Armenia (further - the Programme) seeks to promote decent work as an important part of the country's socio-economic development policy.

Development of a comprehensive anti-trafficking response in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia
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Development of a comprehensive anti-trafficking response in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia

The project seeks to contribute to the progressive reduction of trafficking in human beings in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia through capacity building and empowerment of actual and potential victims.

Partnerships for youth employment in the Commonwealth of Independent States (YEP CIS)
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Partnerships for youth employment in the Commonwealth of Independent States (YEP CIS)

Career guidance videos
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Career guidance videos

Career guidance videos
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Career guidance videos