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In Cameroon, ILO Director-General stresses the importance of cooperation for achieving decent work and extending social protection
ILO Director-General stands with government representatives and social partners in Cameroon

In Cameroon, ILO Director-General stresses the importance of cooperation for achieving decent work and extending social protection

During his visit, the Director-General met government officials, and representatives of employers’ and workers’ organizations.

Latin America and the Caribbean develop a regional strategy on labour migration until 2030
Estrategia Regional de Migración Laboral

37 ILO member countries

Latin America and the Caribbean develop a regional strategy on labour migration until 2030

The ILO’s Care Policy Investment Simulator adds 36 new countries
Mother carving tombstones while taking care of her baby, Bolivia

The ILO’s Care Policy Investment Simulator adds 36 new countries

The largest online care policy modelling tool just got larger. The Simulator now allows users to create tailor-made care policy packages for 118 countries, adding to the original 82 countries.

ILO COOP/SSE participates in the 11th Asia Pacific Cooperative Ministers’ Conference hosted by the ICA-AP and Jordan
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ILO COOP/SSE participates in the 11th Asia Pacific Cooperative Ministers’ Conference hosted by the ICA-AP and Jordan

An ILO delegation attended the 11th Asia-Pacific Cooperative Ministers’ Conference co-organized by the International Cooperative Alliance-Asia Pacific Region and the Jordan Cooperative Corporation at the Dead Sea in Jordan on 28-30 April 2024.

Training at ITCILO: What’s new for workers in 2024?
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Training at ITCILO: What’s new for workers in 2024?

The ILO’s Bureau for Workers ’Activities (ACTRAV) has launched a training programme for workers for 2024-2025. Vera Dos Santos Costa, Programme Manager for Workers’ Activities at the International Training Center of Turin (ITCILO), explains the objectives of the courses and shares her expectations for participants.

Bangladesh garment sector injury scheme to include commuting accidents
Members of the Bangladesh employment injury scheme Governing Board at their 8th meeting held in May 2024

Social security

Bangladesh garment sector injury scheme to include commuting accidents

Starting from 1 July 2024, the employment injury scheme being piloted in the readymade garment sector will be expanded to cover accidents that may occur while workers commute to and from work.

New PROTECT project supports women migrant workers and children in Indonesia
The launch of ILO's PROTECT Project in Indonesia

Press release

New PROTECT project supports women migrant workers and children in Indonesia

A new initiative launched by the European Union (EU) and two agencies of the United Nations (UN)—the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)— will help strengthen the rights of women migrant workers and children in Indonesia, while reducing their vulnerabilities.

ILO promotes decent work for waste pickers
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Social and solidarity economy in Türkiye

ILO promotes decent work for waste pickers

ILO introduces its model for combating violence and harassment in the workplace to relevant parties
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ILO introduces its model for combating violence and harassment in the workplace to relevant parties

ILO leads initiative to rehabilitate key road networks and create decent jobs across Lebanon
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ILO leads initiative to rehabilitate key road networks and create decent jobs across Lebanon

The ILO’s Employment Intensive Infrastructure Programme (EIIP), with funding from Germany and in collaboration with the Lebanese Ministry of Public Works and Transport, has launched vital road maintenance projects across Lebanon.

A Hope for Decent and Sustainable Livelihoods and Social Cohesion in Türkiye: "I’m Trained for My Job" Program
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A Hope for Decent and Sustainable Livelihoods and Social Cohesion in Türkiye: "I’m Trained for My Job" Program

Micro-credentials: Powerful new learning tool, or just “pouring old wine into new bottles”?
woman writing in notebook

Global challenges - Global solutions podcast

Micro-credentials: Powerful new learning tool, or just “pouring old wine into new bottles”?

During the COVID-19 pandemic, an explosion of online and micro-credential programmes changed the face of training and skills development. But it didn’t reduce the needs. Now, they’ve become an important fixture in lifelong learning, upskilling, reskilling and economic recovery. This podcast explores if micro-credentialing is a temporary phenomenon, whether we can ensure quality and relevance to certifications and qualifications, and how employers might view new types of credentialing systems.

ILO supports online technical exchange between China and Portugal on social protection coverage extension for platform workers
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ILO supports online technical exchange between China and Portugal on social protection coverage extension for platform workers

ILO Beijing Office in collaboration with ILO Office in Lisbon, organized an online technical exchange session between Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security (MOHRSS) of China and Ministry of Labour, Solidarity and Social Security (MTSSS) of Portugal around recent reforms and challenges to extend social protection for platform workers and workers in new forms of employment on 9 May 2024.

ILO and the UK join forces to strengthen the national social protection system in Lebanon
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ILO and the UK join forces to strengthen the national social protection system in Lebanon

As Lebanon grapples with multiple socio-economic challenges, UK government funding will help the ILO support Lebanese partners in implementing the National Social Protection strategy.

Cambodia and International Labour Organization agree work priorities until 2028
The Decent Work Country Programme (DWCP) 2024-2028 sets out key areas for cooperation to promote and advance decent work in Cambodia.

Cambodia and International Labour Organization agree work priorities until 2028

The Decent Work Country Programme (DWCP) 2024-2028 sets out key areas for cooperation to promote and advance decent work in Cambodia.

Development of an electronic monitoring and reporting tool for the Regional Programme to Accelerate the Elimination of Child Labour (PRAETI) - adaptation of Monitora 8.7
A woman sitting looking at a data dashboard graphs on two screen

ILO consultancy

Development of an electronic monitoring and reporting tool for the Regional Programme to Accelerate the Elimination of Child Labour (PRAETI) - adaptation of Monitora 8.7

ILO Training on "Reporting Obligations on Ratified ILO Conventions"
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ILO Training on "Reporting Obligations on Ratified ILO Conventions"

Public institutions and workers' and employers' organizations were informed about the obligation to report to the ILO supervisory bodies of the member states.

Farmworker Indaba Highlights Social Challenges on Wine Farms
Child Labour project National Project Coordinator presenting

Farmworker Indaba Highlights Social Challenges on Wine Farms

The recent Agri Worker Indaba, hosted by Fairtrade Africa in the Western Cape, illuminated the pressing social issues facing wine farms in the region.

Press accreditation for the 112th International Labour Conference
Delegates working on the ILC 111th session

International Labour Conference

Press accreditation for the 112th International Labour Conference

The ILO will hold its annual International Labour Conference at the Palais des Nations in Geneva from 3–14 June 2024.

ILO extends capacity building support to business development service providers in Ethiopia
group of business development programme trainees in ethiopia

Start and improve your business

ILO extends capacity building support to business development service providers in Ethiopia

A new batch of trainers were trained in ILO’s Start and Improve Your Business (SIYB) programme to improve self-reliance of host and refugee community entrepreneurs.