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Latin America and the Caribbean develop a regional strategy on labour migration until 2030
Estrategia Regional de Migración Laboral

37 ILO member countries

Latin America and the Caribbean develop a regional strategy on labour migration until 2030

New PROTECT project supports women migrant workers and children in Indonesia
The launch of ILO's PROTECT Project in Indonesia

Press release

New PROTECT project supports women migrant workers and children in Indonesia

A new initiative launched by the European Union (EU) and two agencies of the United Nations (UN)—the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)— will help strengthen the rights of women migrant workers and children in Indonesia, while reducing their vulnerabilities.

ILO extends capacity building support to business development service providers in Ethiopia
group of business development programme trainees in ethiopia

Start and improve your business

ILO extends capacity building support to business development service providers in Ethiopia

A new batch of trainers were trained in ILO’s Start and Improve Your Business (SIYB) programme to improve self-reliance of host and refugee community entrepreneurs.

Capacity building workshop advances Kenya's ecosystem restoration strategy
volunteers explaining forestation in Kenya

Capacity building workshop advances Kenya's ecosystem restoration strategy

Kenya's ecosystem restoration efforts received a boost with a four-day capacity-building workshop focusing on job creation and sustainable development

Secretary of State Anthony Blinken announces that the United States is joining the ILO Fair Recruitment Initiative
Guatemala News USA FRI Hero 02

Secretary of State Anthony Blinken announces that the United States is joining the ILO Fair Recruitment Initiative

U.S. and Canadian government delegations witness the work of the Tijuana Migrant Worker Resource Center in providing access to justice and information on labour rights
Reunión Centro de Recursos de Trabajadores Migrnates

U.S. and Canadian government delegations witness the work of the Tijuana Migrant Worker Resource Center in providing access to justice and information on labour rights

New Migrant Worker Resource Centre supports safer migration for Indonesian migrant fishers
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News item

New Migrant Worker Resource Centre supports safer migration for Indonesian migrant fishers

The centre in Tegal, Central Java Province will empower migrant fishers, helping reduce the risks of exploitation and trafficking in persons.

AU, ILO forge partnership for decent work & social justice
African Union and ILO officials at the partnership review meeting

Building a Stronger Africa

AU, ILO forge partnership for decent work & social justice

The AU-ILO Joint Planning Meeting reassures strengthened collaboration and coordination between the African Union (AU) and the International Labour Organization to advance social justice in the continent.

The UAE introduces voluntary pensions to replace end-of-service indemnities, joining an increasing trend of reforms across the GCC countries
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The UAE introduces voluntary pensions to replace end-of-service indemnities, joining an increasing trend of reforms across the GCC countries

Effectiveness of Gender Responsive Labour Migration Governance for Employers and Workers Representatives in Nigeria Improved through ILO Support.
Members of Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) at workshop in Kano

Effectiveness of Gender Responsive Labour Migration Governance for Employers and Workers Representatives in Nigeria Improved through ILO Support.

EU supports ILO and partners to empower community leaders to ensure safe migration of Filipino fishers
fishers unload tuna catch

Press release

EU supports ILO and partners to empower community leaders to ensure safe migration of Filipino fishers

Outreach effort leverages church network across the country to help convey the practical realities of work in fishing.

Uganda Labour Migration Information System (LMIS) Capacity Building Workshop Drives Effective Implementation
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Uganda Labour Migration Information System (LMIS) Capacity Building Workshop Drives Effective Implementation

The workshop aimed to enhance the capacity of government officials and collaborating institutions in effectively implementing the Labour Migration Information System (LMIS).

Strength in Struggle: Muluken Gebrewold’s Resilient Journey to Economic Independence
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Strength in Struggle: Muluken Gebrewold’s Resilient Journey to Economic Independence

“If every returnee took the SIYB training delivered by the ILO BRMM Programme before they migrated, we all would’ve reached immense success in life by now.”

Turning Adversity into Opportunity: Seleshi Shegaw's Journey to Entrepreneurial Success
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Turning Adversity into Opportunity: Seleshi Shegaw's Journey to Entrepreneurial Success

“During my journey to Bosaso, I endured seven days without a meal and two days without water. On the second day, I encountered a stagnant pond and, despite the risk, I drank from it in desperation to survive.”

From Migrant Worker to Restaurant Owner: Bigeni Maina’s Journey to Success
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From Migrant Worker to Restaurant Owner: Bigeni Maina’s Journey to Success

"I would like to grow my business to the point where it not only meets but surpasses the financial requirements of my family, ensuring stability and security for us all," says Bigeni.

Turning adversity into opportunity: A migrant returnee’s entrepreneurial success
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Turning adversity into opportunity: A migrant returnee’s entrepreneurial success

Seleshi’s aspirations reflect his resilience and determination to transform his circumstances and build a better future for himself and his family through entrepreneurship.

New EU-UN ‘PROTECT’ project supports women migrant workers and children in Southeast Asia
Asian family posing in the street

Labour migration

New EU-UN ‘PROTECT’ project supports women migrant workers and children in Southeast Asia

A new initiative launched by the European Union (EU) and the United Nations (UN) will help strengthen the rights of women migrant workers and children in Southeast Asia, while reducing their vulnerabilities.

Indonesia establishes the first MRC for migrant fishing vessel crews in Pemalang Regency
UPSCALED Indonesia establishes the first MRC for migrant fishing vessel crews in Pemalang Regency

Indonesia establishes the first MRC for migrant fishing vessel crews in Pemalang Regency

The ILO supports the establishment of the first Migrant Resource Centre (MRC) for Indonesian migrant fishing vessel crews to ensure their labour rights and to be free from exploitation and forced labour at sea.

ECCAS Member States, Stakeholders Convene to Validate Study Findings and Roadmap for Extending Social Protection to Migrant Workers in the Region
Farmer in his field

Tripartite Regional Workshop to Validate Study & Roadmap

ECCAS Member States, Stakeholders Convene to Validate Study Findings and Roadmap for Extending Social Protection to Migrant Workers in the Region

The Joint Labour Migration Programme (JLMP) is a collaborative initiative between the African Union Commission (AUC), International Labour Organization (ILO), International Organization for Migration (IOM). Adopted by the Assembly of Heads of State, the JLMP's strategy emphasizes intra-African labour migration and aligns with the First 2023 Ten Year Plan of the AU's Agenda 2063 and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It is currently implementing projects to enhance rights-based governance for labour migration and mobility in Africa, ensuring gender-responsive regulations and protections for all migrant workers; increase availability and utilization of labour migration data & statistics by MSs and RECs for evidence-based policy-making; and support MS to establish systems that promote safe, secure, and equal working conditions for migrant workers in formal and informal sectors with access to social protection and skill recognition.

Annual profits from forced labour amount to US$ 236 billion, ILO report finds
Profits and poverty report ILO News hero

Forced labour

Annual profits from forced labour amount to US$ 236 billion, ILO report finds

The new study on forced labour in the private sector reveals a 37 per cent rise in illegal profits from forced labour since 2014.