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Micro-credentials: Powerful new learning tool, or just “pouring old wine into new bottles”?
woman writing in notebook

Global challenges - Global solutions podcast

Micro-credentials: Powerful new learning tool, or just “pouring old wine into new bottles”?

During the COVID-19 pandemic, an explosion of online and micro-credential programmes changed the face of training and skills development. But it didn’t reduce the needs. Now, they’ve become an important fixture in lifelong learning, upskilling, reskilling and economic recovery. This podcast explores if micro-credentialing is a temporary phenomenon, whether we can ensure quality and relevance to certifications and qualifications, and how employers might view new types of credentialing systems.

A Hope for Decent and Sustainable Livelihoods and Social Cohesion in Türkiye: "I’m Trained for My Job" Program
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A Hope for Decent and Sustainable Livelihoods and Social Cohesion in Türkiye: "I’m Trained for My Job" Program

Cambodia and International Labour Organization agree work priorities until 2028
The Decent Work Country Programme (DWCP) 2024-2028 sets out key areas for cooperation to promote and advance decent work in Cambodia.

Cambodia and International Labour Organization agree work priorities until 2028

The Decent Work Country Programme (DWCP) 2024-2028 sets out key areas for cooperation to promote and advance decent work in Cambodia.

Capacity building workshop advances Kenya's ecosystem restoration strategy
volunteers explaining forestation in Kenya

Capacity building workshop advances Kenya's ecosystem restoration strategy

Kenya's ecosystem restoration efforts received a boost with a four-day capacity-building workshop focusing on job creation and sustainable development

Secretary of State Anthony Blinken announces that the United States is joining the ILO Fair Recruitment Initiative
Guatemala News USA FRI Hero 02

Secretary of State Anthony Blinken announces that the United States is joining the ILO Fair Recruitment Initiative

The STRENGTHEN2 and EIIP teams reinforce capacities in Rwanda
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The STRENGTHEN2 and EIIP teams reinforce capacities in Rwanda

AU, ILO forge partnership for decent work & social justice
African Union and ILO officials at the partnership review meeting

Building a Stronger Africa

AU, ILO forge partnership for decent work & social justice

The AU-ILO Joint Planning Meeting reassures strengthened collaboration and coordination between the African Union (AU) and the International Labour Organization to advance social justice in the continent.

Addressing major labour market challenges in the world of work: What are the implications for promoting employment?
Man in construction

Global challenges - Global solutions podcast

Addressing major labour market challenges in the world of work: What are the implications for promoting employment?

ILO, International Trade Centre and Government of Lesotho team up to strengthen SME competitiveness, productivity and decent work
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ILO, International Trade Centre and Government of Lesotho team up to strengthen SME competitiveness, productivity and decent work

Driving investment and export growth in Lesotho’s textiles and clothing sector, this latest project incorporates SCORE Training as a key component.

Refining the Determination of Minimum Wage Standards in Kenya
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Refining the Determination of Minimum Wage Standards in Kenya

The International Labour Organization (ILO) project All Hands in Kenya (AHK) collaborated with the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection in Kenya, to develop a government economic position paper meant to guide the minimum wage during the upcoming Labour Day celebrations.

Uganda Labour Migration Information System (LMIS) Capacity Building Workshop Drives Effective Implementation
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Uganda Labour Migration Information System (LMIS) Capacity Building Workshop Drives Effective Implementation

The workshop aimed to enhance the capacity of government officials and collaborating institutions in effectively implementing the Labour Migration Information System (LMIS).

Inclusive employment for persons with disabilities discussed in a multi-faceted way at the workshop with public, private sector and social partners
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Inclusive employment for persons with disabilities discussed in a multi-faceted way at the workshop with public, private sector and social partners

At the "Strengthening Employment for People with Disabilities: Collaborative Solutions Workshop" organized by the ILO Office in Turkey, participants discussed the employment of persons with disabilities from a multidimensional perspective based on the principles of diversity and inclusion. They exchanged views and information on overcoming the challenges on the inclusive employment.

Philippines joins the Global Accelerator aiming to expand jobs and social protection
construction workers in a building

Global Accelerator

Philippines joins the Global Accelerator aiming to expand jobs and social protection

To address challenges and channel investments, the Philippines becomes a pathfinder country of the Global Accelerator on Jobs and Social Protection for Just Transitions, a joint high impact initiative of the United Nations to create decent work and extend social protection for sustainable development.

Kiribati empowers entrepreneurs to enhance economic activity
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Training of trainers

Kiribati empowers entrepreneurs to enhance economic activity

Collaboration with the ILO sees trainers trained on Start and Improve Your Business methodology with an aim to reduce rural poverty and unemployment.

ILO and EU delegation visit ENABLE projects in Tripoli, Lebanon
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ILO and EU delegation visit ENABLE projects in Tripoli, Lebanon

A visit to work-based learning projects in Tripoli highlighted joint efforts by the ILO, the European Union, and national partners to enhance skills and improve employability of individuals.

Palestinian unemployment rate set to soar to 57 per cent during first quarter of 2024
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ILO assessment

Palestinian unemployment rate set to soar to 57 per cent during first quarter of 2024

Questions and Answers: On new guidance note for productivity measurement and analysis
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Questions and Answers: On new guidance note for productivity measurement and analysis

Productivity is viewed as central to economic development and social progress. Countries can sustainably increase their economic output and living standards through more productive use of labour, capital and other resources. When more products and services are produced using a given amount of resources, all boats can rise. This Q&A introduces a new Guidance Note designed to assist national statisticians and economists in making the best use of available data to obtain detailed productivity measures, notably in developing countries.

Women are more likely than men to want a job but not have one
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Women are more likely than men to want a job but not have one

Measures of joblessness that reflect the most urgent need for employment (such as unemployment) point to moderate differences between women and men. Yet, broader measures of joblessness point to much larger gender disparities – particularly in developing countries.

Job Search Club methodology training set to boost employment prospects for youth in Iraq
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Job Search Club methodology training set to boost employment prospects for youth in Iraq

ILO trains facilitators to pilot the methodology in the Kurdistan region of Iraq and transfer job search skills to young job seekers from displaced and host communities, improving their chances of securing jobs.

Technical Workshop on World Day for Safety and Health at Work 2024
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Technical Workshop on World Day for Safety and Health at Work 2024

This year, the core theme is the repercussions of climate change on safety and health at work. In this framework, the ILO office for Spain and the INSST are organising a joint technical conference on 25 April to commemorate it.