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Micro-credentials: Powerful new learning tool, or just “pouring old wine into new bottles”?
woman writing in notebook

Global challenges - Global solutions podcast

Micro-credentials: Powerful new learning tool, or just “pouring old wine into new bottles”?

During the COVID-19 pandemic, an explosion of online and micro-credential programmes changed the face of training and skills development. But it didn’t reduce the needs. Now, they’ve become an important fixture in lifelong learning, upskilling, reskilling and economic recovery. This podcast explores if micro-credentialing is a temporary phenomenon, whether we can ensure quality and relevance to certifications and qualifications, and how employers might view new types of credentialing systems.

ILO promotes decent work for waste pickers
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Social and solidarity economy in Türkiye

ILO promotes decent work for waste pickers

ILO Training on "Reporting Obligations on Ratified ILO Conventions"
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ILO Training on "Reporting Obligations on Ratified ILO Conventions"

Public institutions and workers' and employers' organizations were informed about the obligation to report to the ILO supervisory bodies of the member states.

Greening tourism: Ministry of Tourism, ILO start implementation of project to help create green jobs
The training of trainers on green jobs in Indonesia by the ILO and the Ministry of Tourism.

Green jobs

Greening tourism: Ministry of Tourism, ILO start implementation of project to help create green jobs

Helping communities with high tourism potential to benefit from green tourism through “green jobs” is a new initiative by the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, supported by the UN Indonesia’s Partnership for Action on Green Economy (PAGE).

Türkiye Recognized as Pathfinder Country in Global Fight Against Child Labour
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Türkiye Recognized as Pathfinder Country in Global Fight Against Child Labour

ILO supported the process with technical support, expertise and guidance.

The 13th Labour Assembly concludes with a call to more effective social dialogue in addressing labour challenges, importance of adhering to ILO standards
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The 13th Labour Assembly concludes with a call to more effective social dialogue in addressing labour challenges, importance of adhering to ILO standards

ILO Assistant Director General and Regional Director for Europe and Central Asia Ms. Beate Andrees: "Inclusive social dialogue is the key to addressing major transitions in the world of work".

The 13th Labour Assembly Convenes, Addressing Türkiye's Labour Landscape, and Advocates for Social Dialogue and Decent Work
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The 13th Labour Assembly Convenes, Addressing Türkiye's Labour Landscape, and Advocates for Social Dialogue and Decent Work

ILO Director-General welcomes Türkiye's government’ and social partners' commitment to social dialogue.

Ensuring safety and health at work in a changing climate
Climate change is having serious impacts on the safety and health of workers. © Nguyễn ViệtThanh/ILO

Ensuring safety and health at work in a changing climate

Climate change is a real threat to worker safety across the Asia-Pacific region. To mark World Day for Safety and Health at Work 2024, ILO Assistant Director-General and Regional Director for Asia and the Pacific Chihoko Asada-Miyakawa explains what needs to change.

It's World Day of safety and health at work!
Textile workers in Romania

It's World Day of safety and health at work!

The World Day for Safety and Health at Work (28 April) serves to raise awareness about occupational safety and health and gives us an opportunity to talk about the causes of work-related injuries, diseases, and fatalities, and measures to prevent them. This year, on Occupational Safety and Health Day, the focus is on the impact of climate change.

ILO, DICT, and Japan launch first Digital Transformation Centre in Luzon
training at the digital hub

Enterprise digitalization

ILO, DICT, and Japan launch first Digital Transformation Centre in Luzon

The ILO, DICT, and Japan constructed and launched the first Digital Transformation Centre in Pampanga to boost enterprise digitalization and competitiveness.

ILO and partners promote social protection for a just transition in China
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ILO and partners promote social protection for a just transition in China

AU, ILO forge partnership for decent work & social justice
African Union and ILO officials at the partnership review meeting

Building a Stronger Africa

AU, ILO forge partnership for decent work & social justice

The AU-ILO Joint Planning Meeting reassures strengthened collaboration and coordination between the African Union (AU) and the International Labour Organization to advance social justice in the continent.

Prospects to achieve decent work in cocoa supply chain
The Director of ILO-Brussels addresses the World Cocoa Conference

Prospects to achieve decent work in cocoa supply chain

In a closing address to the 5th World Cocoa Conference, the ILO addressed challenges and opportunities to make the cocoa supply chain more sustainable, based on its decent work approach.

Climate change creates a ‘cocktail’ of serious health hazards for 70 per cent of the world’s workers
Workers in the heat and fumes of chemical products in the street

OSH and climate change

Climate change creates a ‘cocktail’ of serious health hazards for 70 per cent of the world’s workers

The health consequences of climate change can include cancer, cardiovascular disease, respiratory illnesses, kidney dysfunction and mental health conditions.

New ILO report to reveal dangerous and long-lasting effects of climate change on workers’ health and safety
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Media Advisory

New ILO report to reveal dangerous and long-lasting effects of climate change on workers’ health and safety

People and data gathering key to build more circular economies, says ILO
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Just transition

People and data gathering key to build more circular economies, says ILO

The shift to a circular economy has the potential to create 7 million jobs globally. At the World Circular Economy Forum, the ILO underlined the need to design policies and actions that accelerate the transformation to a circular economy.

ILO promotes Social Solidarity Economy and Green Jobs in Türkiye
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ILO promotes Social Solidarity Economy and Green Jobs in Türkiye

Philippines joins the Global Accelerator aiming to expand jobs and social protection
construction workers in a building

Global Accelerator

Philippines joins the Global Accelerator aiming to expand jobs and social protection

To address challenges and channel investments, the Philippines becomes a pathfinder country of the Global Accelerator on Jobs and Social Protection for Just Transitions, a joint high impact initiative of the United Nations to create decent work and extend social protection for sustainable development.

The Way Forward after the Revolution: Decent Work for Women in Egypt and Tunisia
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The Way Forward after the Revolution: Decent Work for Women in Egypt and Tunisia

The project “Decent Work for Women” has been financed by Finland for more than 10 years and in 2023, the project concentrated on climate change as a model project of the ILO in North Africa.

ILO supports Indonesia to move from fossil fuel to renewable energy
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Just transition

ILO supports Indonesia to move from fossil fuel to renewable energy

Through a series of training workshops on Just Energy Transition, the ILO builds the capacity of relevant stakeholders on economic transformation and development of human capital for new emerging sectors.