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ILO COOP/SSE participates in the 11th Asia Pacific Cooperative Ministers’ Conference hosted by the ICA-AP and Jordan
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ILO COOP/SSE participates in the 11th Asia Pacific Cooperative Ministers’ Conference hosted by the ICA-AP and Jordan

An ILO delegation attended the 11th Asia-Pacific Cooperative Ministers’ Conference co-organized by the International Cooperative Alliance-Asia Pacific Region and the Jordan Cooperative Corporation at the Dead Sea in Jordan on 28-30 April 2024.

Bangladesh garment sector injury scheme to include commuting accidents
Members of the Bangladesh employment injury scheme Governing Board at their 8th meeting held in May 2024

Social security

Bangladesh garment sector injury scheme to include commuting accidents

Starting from 1 July 2024, the employment injury scheme being piloted in the readymade garment sector will be expanded to cover accidents that may occur while workers commute to and from work.

New PROTECT project supports women migrant workers and children in Indonesia
The launch of ILO's PROTECT Project in Indonesia

Press release

New PROTECT project supports women migrant workers and children in Indonesia

A new initiative launched by the European Union (EU) and two agencies of the United Nations (UN)—the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)— will help strengthen the rights of women migrant workers and children in Indonesia, while reducing their vulnerabilities.

ILO supports online technical exchange between China and Portugal on social protection coverage extension for platform workers
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ILO supports online technical exchange between China and Portugal on social protection coverage extension for platform workers

ILO Beijing Office in collaboration with ILO Office in Lisbon, organized an online technical exchange session between Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security (MOHRSS) of China and Ministry of Labour, Solidarity and Social Security (MTSSS) of Portugal around recent reforms and challenges to extend social protection for platform workers and workers in new forms of employment on 9 May 2024.

Cambodia and International Labour Organization agree work priorities until 2028
The Decent Work Country Programme (DWCP) 2024-2028 sets out key areas for cooperation to promote and advance decent work in Cambodia.

Cambodia and International Labour Organization agree work priorities until 2028

The Decent Work Country Programme (DWCP) 2024-2028 sets out key areas for cooperation to promote and advance decent work in Cambodia.

Young Fijians gain vital work experience through Student Employment Exposure Program
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News item

Young Fijians gain vital work experience through Student Employment Exposure Program

Newly launched initiative provides work placements to help prepare youth for the demands of the modern job market.

International labour standards a vital toolbox for Bangladesh’s sustainable development prospects
Tim De Meyer, ILO's Senior Standards Policy Advisor at an event in Dhaka, Bangladesh

LDC graduation

International labour standards a vital toolbox for Bangladesh’s sustainable development prospects

Bangladesh’s government and employers should recognize international labour standards as a strategic toolbox readily at their disposal for use to steer the country to attain its envisioned sustainable economic growth.

Empowering Fiji's creative entrepreneurs: A journey to success
Training participants gather for a group photo

News item

Empowering Fiji's creative entrepreneurs: A journey to success

Supported by the ILO and UNESCO, the Festivals Company and the Ministry of Trade, Cooperatives, and SMEs of Fiji held a five-day “Start and Improve Your Business” training programme for Fijian creative entrepreneurs.

Greening tourism: Ministry of Tourism, ILO start implementation of project to help create green jobs
The training of trainers on green jobs in Indonesia by the ILO and the Ministry of Tourism.

Green jobs

Greening tourism: Ministry of Tourism, ILO start implementation of project to help create green jobs

Helping communities with high tourism potential to benefit from green tourism through “green jobs” is a new initiative by the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, supported by the UN Indonesia’s Partnership for Action on Green Economy (PAGE).

New ILO report urges efforts to strengthen responsible business practices in Thailand's automotive sector
Thailand's automotive industry is strong in key areas like wages and social protection coverage.

New ILO report urges efforts to strengthen responsible business practices in Thailand's automotive sector

Findings reveal opportunities to enhance decent work conditions and tackle disparities, emphasizing collaboration for industry-wide improvements.

Bangladesh showcases achievements in skills development at Global Skills Forum
Education Minister of the People's Republic of Bangladesh, Director General of ILO and Ambassador, Deputy Head of the EU Delegation to the UN and other international organisations in Geneva

Global Skills Forum 2024

Bangladesh showcases achievements in skills development at Global Skills Forum

Recognizing the crucial role of skilled labour in driving higher-value production and economic advancement, the Government of Bangladesh has since 2007 multiplied its investment in Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) and skills development, and after one and a half decade the results of these numerous efforts are tangible.

Labour Day heightens urgency for renewed commitment to social justice
Workers from a readymade garment factory in Bangladesh are seen leaving work at the end of the work day

Social Justice

Labour Day heightens urgency for renewed commitment to social justice

Celebration of Labour Day has a sense of urgency for renewed commitment to social justice, as we navigate through the complexities of our time, including climate change and the rapid evolution of the workplace due to technological advancements.

Recommendations for health and safety amidst heatwaves
A rickshaw driver washing his face with water at a roadside water pipeline during heatwave weather in Dhaka, Bangladesh, on April 27, 2024

Occupational safety and health

Recommendations for health and safety amidst heatwaves

Climate change is heavily impacting workers in many ways including illnesses, injuries and fatalities. From heat waves and exposure to UV radiation, there is need for multifaceted approaches to occupational safety and health. Here are some effective interventions that can be put in place to prevent heat stress, and other associated risks.

ILO and Pacific Islands Forum sign cooperation agreement
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ILO and Pacific Islands Forum sign cooperation agreement

Agreement formalises collaboration and reinforces ILO’s commitment to the region.

Ensuring safety and health at work in a changing climate
Climate change is having serious impacts on the safety and health of workers. © Nguyễn ViệtThanh/ILO

Ensuring safety and health at work in a changing climate

Climate change is a real threat to worker safety across the Asia-Pacific region. To mark World Day for Safety and Health at Work 2024, ILO Assistant Director-General and Regional Director for Asia and the Pacific Chihoko Asada-Miyakawa explains what needs to change.

Reflections on Bangladesh's progress on safety and health at work
A Bangladeshi man in protective gear shows thumbs up sign


Reflections on Bangladesh's progress on safety and health at work

The World Day for Safety and Health at Work is an opportunity to reflect on the progress made since Bangladesh began commemoration of the day in 2016.

New Migrant Worker Resource Centre supports safer migration for Indonesian migrant fishers
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News item

New Migrant Worker Resource Centre supports safer migration for Indonesian migrant fishers

The centre in Tegal, Central Java Province will empower migrant fishers, helping reduce the risks of exploitation and trafficking in persons.

ILO, DICT, and Japan launch first Digital Transformation Centre in Luzon
training at the digital hub

Enterprise digitalization

ILO, DICT, and Japan launch first Digital Transformation Centre in Luzon

The ILO, DICT, and Japan constructed and launched the first Digital Transformation Centre in Pampanga to boost enterprise digitalization and competitiveness.

Safety dialogue empowers small-scale banana farmers
female worker in banana processing

Safety dialogue empowers small-scale banana farmers

Small banana growers engage in dialogue, devise practical approaches to safety and health and foster collaboration among stakeholders in celebration of the World Day for Safety and Health at Work.

ILO and partners promote social protection for a just transition in China
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ILO and partners promote social protection for a just transition in China