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New ILO Caribbean report analyzes how EMBOs can benefit from digitalization that enhances data management
Digital world concept with hologram digitalization word and loading bar element icon on laptop keyboard background

New ILO Caribbean report analyzes how EMBOs can benefit from digitalization that enhances data management

Publication examines opportunities and challenges related to use of digital tools.

Antigua and Barbuda announces plans to evaluate child labour
A young child labourer bent over carrying a green wooden door on his back

Antigua and Barbuda announces plans to evaluate child labour

The process intends to close gaps in data for effective monitoring, prevention and elimination.

Resilient Caribbean Joint Programme and the OECS Commission Host Targeted Learning Event on Enhancing Social Protection Information Management Systems
A group of six people sitting around a table

Resilient Caribbean Joint Programme and the OECS Commission Host Targeted Learning Event on Enhancing Social Protection Information Management Systems

Strong focus was placed on the importance of the three dimensions of IMS - people, processes, and technology for successful implementation.

ILO assesses the financial sustainability of unemployment insurance systems during ISSA technical seminar in Antigua and Barbuda
Joana Borges, ILO Specialist on a microphone addressing the seminar

ILO assesses the financial sustainability of unemployment insurance systems during ISSA technical seminar in Antigua and Barbuda

The ISSA technical seminar was an excellent opportunity for stakeholders to exchange ideas, share experiences, and learn from each other's best practices in unemployment protection.

ILO assists Caribbean EBMOs in harnessing CRM software to improve processes
Hand pointing to a virtual overlay with Customer Relationship Management

ILO assists Caribbean EBMOs in harnessing CRM software to improve processes

The ILO assisted Antigua and Barbuda Employers’ Federation (ABEF), the Bahamas Chamber of Commerce and Employers’ Confederation (BCCEC), the Belize Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCI), the Grenada Employers’ Federation (GEF), the Jamaica Employers’ Federation (JEF), and the Saint Lucia Employers’ Federation (SLEF) in the installation of a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) System.

ILO lends support to Antigua and Barbuda Nationally Determined Contribution Just Transitions Dialogue sessions
Group photo trade union workshop participants

ILO lends support to Antigua and Barbuda Nationally Determined Contribution Just Transitions Dialogue sessions

In 2021, the ILO, in partnership with United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Antigua and Barbuda Department of Environment, developed a project to support the process on nationally determined contribution targets in Antigua and Barbuda.

ILO supports Antigua and Barbuda Statistics Division to kickstart the new labour force survey
A group of people sitting at a workshop

ILO supports Antigua and Barbuda Statistics Division to kickstart the new labour force survey

Consultancy: Conducting just transition and gender assessment of climate change impacts in Antigua and Barbuda
Three people sitting around a table in discussion

Consultancy: Conducting just transition and gender assessment of climate change impacts in Antigua and Barbuda

The International Labour Organization is seeking to contract a qualified consultant to conduct a gender assessment of the country’s NDC and propose a gender-responsive approach to just transition of the workforce in Antigua and Barbuda. Interested candidates are invited to review the following Terms of Reference and to submit their proposals by new extended date: 8 July 2022.

Consultancy: Conducting just transition and labour assessment review of NDCs in Antigua and Barbuda
A woman sitting on a desk

Consultancy: Conducting just transition and labour assessment review of NDCs in Antigua and Barbuda

The International Labour Organization is seeking to contract a qualified consultant to conduct a revision of a report on the employment impacts of the NDCs in Antigua and Barbuda aligned with the ILO Guidelines for a Just Transition, and the elaboration of a Just Transition strategy for a low carbon and climate resilience economy and society for the country through social dialogue. The project timeline is from June to November 2022. Interested candidates are invited to review the following Terms of Reference and to submit their proposals by new extension date: 8 July 2022.

ILO welcomes Marissa Sheppard, National Project Officer, Green Jobs
Photo of Marissa Sheppard

ILO welcomes Marissa Sheppard, National Project Officer, Green Jobs

Ms. Sheppard joined the ILO Caribbean Office in May 2022, as the National Project Officer, and she will work in close collaboration with the ILO Green Jobs Specialist, Ms Carolina Ferreira on this Project.

ILO launches business coaching for rural enterprises and farmers in the Caribbean
A man and a woman sitting at a table

ILO launches business coaching for rural enterprises and farmers in the Caribbean

The course is part of the on-going efforts by the ILO to effectively support smallholder farmers and small agri-businesses in their development, particularly through business coaching. The joint programme seeks to integrally support sectors, which require the creation of a more business oriented agriculture sector that includes more resilient farmers and more opportunity for jobs and income generation.

First ratification of Convention No. 190 in the Caribbean
Ilustration featuring ILO C190 campaign on violence and harassment at work

First ratification of Convention No. 190 in the Caribbean

Antigua and Barbuda ratifies Conventions Nos 190 and 183

Antigua and Barbuda ratifies nine ILO instruments
Placeholder image

International Labour Standards

Antigua and Barbuda ratifies nine ILO instruments

ILO teams up with Antigua and Barbuda Employers’ Federation to strengthen advocating for more women executives
Placeholder image

ILO teams up with Antigua and Barbuda Employers’ Federation to strengthen advocating for more women executives

Staff and members participate in training on empowering women in the national workforce

Business resilience is a key driver of economic prosperity in the Caribbean
Image of gears being joined together

Business resilience is a key driver of economic prosperity in the Caribbean

Made up of mostly Small Island Developing States (SIDS), the Caribbean faces multiple vulnerabilities to climate hazards such as hurricanes, flooding, landslides, heatwaves, drought and sea level rise

Pivoting social dialogue to enhance the role of unions in COVID-19 recovery
Workers in dialogue

Pivoting social dialogue to enhance the role of unions in COVID-19 recovery

Greater inclusion can encourage more human-centred approaches to labour solutions in the Caribbean

Occupational safety and health is at the heart of COVID-19 recovery: Mainstreaming policies on infection prevention and control, psychosocial risks and ergonomics is key to effective crisis response
Hands typing on keyboard  with virtual overlay of blog on the screen

Occupational safety and health is at the heart of COVID-19 recovery: Mainstreaming policies on infection prevention and control, psychosocial risks and ergonomics is key to effective crisis response

Prioritizing TVET in COVID-19 recovery efforts for the Caribbean: How CARICOM Member States can address delivery, continuity and resilience
Hands typing on keyboard  with virtual overlay of blog on the screen

Prioritizing TVET in COVID-19 recovery efforts for the Caribbean: How CARICOM Member States can address delivery, continuity and resilience

Message from Dennis Zulu, Director, ILO Decent Work Team and Office for the Caribbean on the Anniversary of the ILO Caribbean Office
ILOPOS Dennis Zulu Photo

51st Anniversary of the ILO Caribbean Office

Message from Dennis Zulu, Director, ILO Decent Work Team and Office for the Caribbean on the Anniversary of the ILO Caribbean Office

As we observe the 51st anniversary of the opening of the Office, we look forward to a better tomorrow working together as ILO tripartite constituents, the UN family and other partners towards a more resilient and sustainable recovery, which will lead to the achievement of decent work for all in the Caribbean region

ILO: 34 million jobs lost in Latin America and the Caribbean due to crisis
People walking on city street

ILO: 34 million jobs lost in Latin America and the Caribbean due to crisis

COVID-19 leaves behind a drastic contraction in employment and income in the region. Signs of an early recovery suggest that millions could return to seek employment in the coming weeks, highlighted the ILO in a new edition of its Labour Overview.